
Evolving Unipolar Memristor Spiking Neural Networks




Neuromorphic computing - brainlike computing in hardware - typically requires myriad CMOS spiking neurons interconnected by a dense mesh of nanoscale plastic synapses. Memristors are frequently cited as strong synapse candidates due to their statefulness and potential for low-power implementations. To date, plentiful research has focused on the bipolar memristor synapse, which is capable of incremental weight alterations and can provide adaptive self-organisation under a Hebbian learning scheme. In this paper we consider the Unipolar memristor synapse - a device capable of switching between only two states (conductive and resistive) through application of a suitable input voltage - and discuss its suitability for neuromorphic systems. A self-adaptive evolutionary process is used to autonomously find highly fit network configurations. Experimentation on a dynamic-reward scenario shows that unipolar memristor networks evolve task-solving controllers faster than both generic bipolar memristor networks and networks containing non-plastic connections whilst performing comparably.
机译:神经形态计算 - 类大脑在硬件计算 - 通常需要无数的CMOS尖峰被致密互连神经元网眼纳米级塑料突触。忆阻器常常被视为强有力的突触候选人由于他们有状态和潜在的低功耗应用。迄今为止,大量的研究都集中在双极忆阻器突触,它能够增加体重变化,并且可以在一个赫宾学习方案,提供自适应自组织。在本文中,我们考虑单极忆阻器突触的 - 能够通过一个合适的输入电压的应用只有两种状态(导电和电阻)之间进行切换的装置 - 和讨论其适用性神经形态系统。甲自适应进化过程用于自主地找到高度契合网络配置。上的动态奖励方案显示实验该单极忆阻器网络的演进任务解决控制器比既通用双极忆阻器网络和包含同时执行同等非塑性的连接网络快。



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