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A User Study of the Singapore Memory Portal to Derive a Taxonomy for Content Organization




Many memory institutions have set up online portals to p rovide p ublic ac cess to th eir h eritage col lections. However, little is known about how such portal interfaces should be designed and how the content should be organized to support user se arching, br owsing and le arning. M any online c ultural heritage portals adopt an organi zation scheme that is either content-oriented or in stitution-oriented rath er th an on e th at is user-oriented. This p aper re ports an in itial u ser s tudy of a cultural heritage portal called Singapore Memory Portal that was set u p in S ingapore to collect people's memo ries related to the history, cu lture, s ociety, life a nd land scape of S ingapore's past. The study sought to find out users' expectations of the content of the portal, how they search and browse the portal, and what they learn about pa rticular historical or cultural topics from reading postings in t he portal. The g oal is to deriv e a taxonomy to organize the portals' content for browsing and learning. For this initial study, 12 Singapor e citizens were interviewed, and aske d to perform two search tasks on the portal and describe what they had learnt from the memory postings.
机译:许多内存机构已将在线门户网站设置为P Rovide P Ublic AC CESS Th EIR H Eritage Col enctions。但是,关于应该如何设计这些门户接口以及如何组织内容以支持用户SE拱形,BR owsing和Le Arning的知识毫无疑问。 M任何在线C术语门户网站采用有机Zation计划,该方案是以内容为导向的,或者以用户为导向的批准的Rath Er Th An。这个p aper在intial of or ser s的文化遗产门户网站上,叫做新加坡内存门户网站,该门户网站被设置为incapore,收集与历史,cu培养,焦虑,生活中的人民备忘录有关的人民备忘录ingapore的过去。该研究寻求找出用户对门户内容的期望,他们如何搜索和浏览门户,以及他们了解到旅馆中的阅读帖子中的遗传历史或文化主题的内容。 G OAL是德国分类学,组织门户网站的浏览和学习内容。对于这个初步研究,接受了12个SingoPate E Citizens,aske d在门户网站上执行两个搜索任务,并描述他们从内存发布中学到的内容。



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