首页> 外文会议>Water Environment Federation annual technical exhibition and conference >SAN DIEGO EMBRACES STORM WATER QUALITY MITIGATION FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS





Urbanization generally results in an increase in pollutant sources and impervious surfaces. The increase in pollutant sources, such as parking lots, rooftops, and streets, contributes to increased pollutant loads found in storm water, while the increase in impervious surfaces prevents natural processes from filtering the same pollutant loads out of storm water runoff. In addition, urbanization’s impervious surfaces prevent storm water from infiltrating into the soil, directing increased runoff volumes onto downstream areas. What is the end result? Urbanized areas increase storm water runoff volumes and the quantities of pollutants carried in the runoff. Not surprisingly, these storm water flows from urban areas— urban runoff— impair the quality of downstream receiving waters: our creeks, bays, and the ocean. Addressing one or both of the factors affecting the quality of urban runoff during project design can reduce a development project’s negative impacts on the quality of runoff leaving the project site. These design strategies are often called post-construction, or permanent storm water best management practices (permanent BMPs), because they are designed to function throughout the life, or “use” phase of a project site. The notion that permanent BMPs can mitigate development’s negative impacts on the quality of urban runoff is widely accepted in urban storm water planning, and agencies and jurisdictions across the country are enacting new storm water development regulations affecting how projects are designed to mitigate the negative water quality impacts associated with development. However, the effectiveness of design strategies to reduce urbanization’s negative impacts on water quality continues to be hotly contested. Not surprisingly, how and to what degree to incorporate these design strategies into development projects continues to stir controversy in urban storm water planning. This area of contention often creates an atmosphere that is often an impediment to developing and implementing environmentally, socially, and economically optimal solutions in urban storm water planning.
机译:城市化通常导致污染物源和渗透性的增加。污染物源的增加,如停车场,屋顶和街道,有助于在雨水中发现的污染物载荷增加,而不透水表面的增加会阻止自然过程过滤出雨水径流的相同污染物负荷。此外,城市化的不透水表面防止雨水渗透到土壤中,将增加的径流量增加到下游区域。最终结果是什么?城市化地区提高了雨水径流量和径流中携带的污染物的数量。毫不奇怪,这些暴风水从都市地区 - 都市径流 - 损害了下游接收水域的质量:我们的小溪,海湾和海洋。解决影响项目设计中城市径流质量的一个或两个因素可以减少开发项目对离开项目现场的径流质量的负面影响。这些设计策略通常被称为后施工,或永久风暴水最佳管理实践(永久性BMP),因为它们旨在在整个生命中运作,或者“使用”项目网站的“使用”阶段。常驻BMPS可以减轻发展的消极影响对城市径流的质量受到广泛接受的城市风暴水规划广泛被接受,全国各地的机构和司法管辖区正在制定新的风暴水开发法规,影响项目的设计如何减轻负水质。与发展相关的影响。然而,设计策略减少城市化对水质的负面影响的有效性仍然是热烈的争议。毫不奇怪,如何以及在多大程度上将这些设计策略纳入发展项目,继续在城市雨水规划中搅拌争议。这一争论领域经常创造一种氛围,通常是在城市雨水规划中开发和实施环境,社会和经济最佳解决方案的障碍。



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