首页> 外文会议>U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics >Theoretical Development on Morphology of Wellbore Toroidal Breakout

Theoretical Development on Morphology of Wellbore Toroidal Breakout




Few researchers have conducted experimental investigations on the occurrence of wellbore toroidal breakout; also this breakout mode has been observed in the field. Unfortunately, there is no published theoretical study that adequately describes the occurrence of this unique feature. Thus, we have developed a theory that answers some of the questions related to the occurrence of wellbore toroidal breakout: (a). is the failure mode toroidal? (b). is the deepest depth for a homogeneous and isotropic formation at the center? (c). location of the deepest depth for a heterogeneous formation? To consider the impacts of support pressure on the breakout pattern, the two failure modes were considered, namely: shear fracture and extensile-splitting induced breakouts. Minimum strain energy criterion was used in determining the direction of the propagating extensile cracks; and the trajectories of the cracks were tracked with Fourier series of piece-wise linear functions. In the numerical experiments conducted, it was observed that the extensile cracks propagated in the r-z plane through mode II (shear) predominantly, and by mode I in the r--θ plane. By rotating the cracks profile in the r-z plane through the vertical axis by the breakout width, the breakout volume can be approximately determined; the volume generated by this rotation is usually greater than the actual volume.
机译:少数研究人员对井筒环形突破的发生进行了实验研究;此外,该字段中也观察到这种分子模式。不幸的是,没有公布的理论研究,充分描述了这种独特功能的发生。因此,我们制定了一个理论,这些理论是回答了与井眼突破的发生有关的一些问题:(a)。失败模式环形吗? (b)。在中心的均匀和各向同性形成是最深度的深度吗? (C)。异质形成的最深深度的位置?要考虑支持压力对突破模式的影响,考虑了两种故障模式,即:剪切断裂和扩展分裂诱导的突出。最小应变能量标准用于确定传播扩展裂纹的方向;突出的曲线轨迹与傅里叶系列的片断线性函数跟踪。在进行的数值实验中,观察到在R-Z平面中传播的扩展裂缝主要是主要的(剪切),并且在R - θ平面中通过模式I传播。通过突出宽度通过垂直轴旋转R-Z平面中的裂缝轮廓,可以大致确定分配体积;通过该旋转产生的音量通常大于实际体积。



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