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Narrowing the Gap Between QoS Metrics and Web QoE Using Above-the-fold Metrics




Page load time (PLT) is still the most common application Quality of Service (QoS) metric to estimate the Quality of Experience (QoE) of Web users. Yet, recent literature abounds with proposals for alternative metrics (e.g., Above The Fold, SpeedIndex and their variants) that aim at better estimating user QoE. The main purpose of this work is thus to thoroughly investigate a mapping between established and recently proposed objective metrics and user QoE. We obtain ground truth QoE via user experiments where we collect and analyze 3,400 Web accesses annotated with QoS metrics and explicit user ratings in a scale of 1 to 5, which we make available to the community. In particular, we contrast domain expert models (such as ITU-T and IQX) fed with a single QoS metric, to models trained using our ground-truth dataset over multiple QoS metrics as features. Results of our experiments show that, albeit very simple, expert models have a comparable accuracy to machine learning approaches. Furthermore, the model accuracy improves considerably when building per-page QoE models, which may raise scalability concerns as we discuss.
机译:页面加载时间(PLT)仍是服务的最常见的应用质量(QoS)指标来评估Web用户的体验质量(QoE)的。然而,最近的文献盛产替代指标(例如,上面的折,SpeedIndex和它们的变体),其目的在于更好地估计用户的QoE提案。这项工作的主要目的,因此要彻查建立和最近提出的客观指标和用户体验质量之间的映射。我们通过我们收集和分析3400 Web访问具有QoS指标和明确的用户等级在1分至5,我们提供给社区注释的用户实验获得地面实况的QoE。特别是,我们对比领域专家模式(如ITU-T和IQX)与单个QoS度量喂,用我们的地面实况数据集在多个QoS指标作为特征的培训模式。我们的实验结果表明,虽然很简单,专家模式具有相当的准确性,机器学习方法。此外,该模型的准确性建设每页的QoE模型,它可以提高可扩展性的担忧,因为我们讨论的时候大大提高。



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