首页> 外文会议>European Association of Geoscientists Engineers Conference Exhibition >Pilot Fracture Characterization Study Using Seismic Attributes Derived from Singular Value Decomposition of AVOAz Data

Pilot Fracture Characterization Study Using Seismic Attributes Derived from Singular Value Decomposition of AVOAz Data




This work presents a pilot study of the application of a seismic inversion technique for fracture density andfracture orientation in an area where available image log data revealed the presence of open fractures at agiven well location. The inversion method is based on a singular value decomposition of azimuthal AVOdata. This decomposition allows us to calculate seismic attributes which are linked to the fracture densityof the fracture network through anisotropic rock physics modeling. The results reveal an area of highfracture density around the well where open fracture had been observed. The fracture orientations obtainedare consistent with the interpreted image logs and outcrop studies in the area. The outcome of this pilotstudy is promising since the obtained results are consistent with existing image log data. Further testingand research on a larger area will be valuable to assess if the fracture characterization results are consistentwith regional geological interpretations and other analysises of fracture networks in the reservoir.



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