
City environment: Regional development dimension. Baltic case




Economic processes underway in the country directly and indirectly affect the welfare of the people and the social environment, starting with job security and having a direct impact on the qualitative and safe living environment. Population differences of wealth are defined by uneven distribution of resources and economic activities within the countries, which affects also population welfare level in rural areas. There is a higher level of welfare of the people observed near cities in Baltic States. The relatively small distances to the city restrict labour everyday mobility. Settlement structure in the Baltic States since 1920 have greatly changed, which clearly outlines the population preferred the social environment. The article describes existing situation and gives analysis of the regional development policy determination and implementation in the all three Baltic States. According statistical indicators there are differences between implementation of the regional development activities between all Baltic States and in regions of inside each country. The author is analysed more detail differences between regions in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia according possibility to evaluate success of development processes in regions of the Baltic States. The descriptive analyse of documents, statistical indicators at national level and regional level were used in the research.



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