首页> 外文会议>American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics >Image Fusion A New Multi-modality Paradigm Towards Exploring Molecular Structure in Tissue

Image Fusion A New Multi-modality Paradigm Towards Exploring Molecular Structure in Tissue




Different imaging technologies (e.g. microscopy, imaging MS, MRI, CT,...) employ different underlying principles, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. We show that these imaging modalities can be mathematically combined or 'fused' into a single pseudo-modality for the same tissue section. The image fusion result exceeds what an individual modality can deliver, yielding computer- generated images that combine individual advantages of the member - modalities, while leaving modality- specific weaknesses and noise behind. We illustrate this on brain and kidney tissue by fusing a modality that is high on spatial resolution and low on chemical information (microscopy) with a modality that is low on spatial resolution but high on chemical information (IMS), producing estimated ion images whose spatial resolution exceeds the original IMS resolution.
机译:不同的成像技术(例如显微镜,MIS,MRI,CT,...)采用不同的潜在原则,每个原则都具有自身的优缺点。我们表明,这些成像模式可以在数学上组合或“融合”成相同组织部分的单个伪模型。图像融合结果超过单个模态可以提供的,产生组合成员的各个优点的计算机生成的图像 - 在留下模当特定的弱点和背后的噪音。我们通过融合在空间分辨率和化学信息(显微镜)上具有低的模态的模态来说明脑和肾组织的这种模型,所述模态在空间分辨率上低但高化学信息(IMS),产生估计的离子图像,其空间分辨率超过原始IMS解决方案。



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