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Specifying Changes Only - A Case Study on Delta Requirements

机译:仅指定更改 - 以达达要求为例



[Context and motivation] Requirements engineering methods and examples presented in textbooks and scientific publications usually treat software which is developed - and therefore specified - from scratch. However, in the software development practice, this situation is very rare. In an industry case study, we encountered the situation that a software system in use had to be enhanced by a small delta. [Question/problem] Our objective was to specify these delta requirements without having to describe the complete system in detail. Therefore we explored how much of the existing system had to be specified in order to make the delta requirements understandable. [Principal ideas/results] We made an intensive literature search to proven practices. As we were not successful we applied the requirements engineering method TORE and extended it to capture the delta requirements. [Contribution] In this paper we describe a process for capturing delta requirements. To our knowledge, this is the first work about this practically relevant question. In our case study, hierarchical refinement of requirements top-down and iterative requirements prioritization successfully supported the specification of deltas, combined with a high-level specification of the existing system. We also present our experiences during the case study and propose ideas for further research.
机译:[语境和动机]提出教科书和科学出版物中提出的工程方法和示例通常会对开发的软件进行治疗 - 因此指定 - 从头开始​​。但是,在软件开发实践中,这种情况非常罕见。在一个行业案例研究中,我们遇到了使用小三角洲使用的软件系统的情况。 [问题/问题]我们的目标是指定这些三角洲要求,而无需详细描述完整系统。因此,我们探讨了必须指定现有系统的数量,以使Δ要求可以理解。 [主要思想/结果]我们致力于探索实践的密集文献。由于我们未取得成功,我们应用了要求工程方法撕裂并将其扩展以捕获增量要求。 [贡献]在本文中,我们描述了一种捕获Delta要求的过程。为了我们的知识,这是关于这一实际相关问题的第一个工作。在我们的案例研究中,需求的分层细化自上而下和迭代要求的优先级优先顺序序列已成功支持Deltas的规范,结合现有系统的高级规格。我们还在案例研究中提出了我们的经验,并提出了进一步研究的想法。



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