
Shells in the German Baroque: geometry is technology




Shells are forms that base their behaviour in their geometry. From antiquity the art of building has been conceived as the ability to span and grew with little pieces, using bricks and stones, until there were great closed spaces. Arches, vaults and domes work because of their geometrical disposition more than because of their intrinsic strengthening. From their invention, domes have been subjected to a process of optimization that arises slowly to diminish thickness at the same time that it increases covered areas. How the thick Roman Pantheon dome is converted, almost with the same span in a thin skin in the Hagia Sophia, explains with clarity the path from heavy to light buildings. Maybe Saint Vital in Ravenna is the end of this process, not surpassed for twelve centuries by Renaissance nor Ottoman domes. Saint Vital was the culmination of lightness thanks to the use of a special kind of hollow brick. When some architects were impelled to build in the Baroque style with short budgets and pour technological advice, they thought that the solution was to be found in the geometry and not in the materials. Architects such as Borromini, Guarini and Vittone were the masters who taught a new young generation headed by Juvara, Fischer and the Dienzenhofer family. Their proposals for double curved single layer domes were really shells, thinner than ever executed before. Spherical dome caps realised at this time were as thin as twenty centimetres, with or without ribs. Vaults composed of sectors of spheres and cylinders were varied and showed a complexity not seen since the Muslim domes. The complexity of Baroque domes has not be conveniently studied until now, may be because engineers think more in terms of mathematical analysis than in terms of geometrical concepts. This is the reason we have planned a geometrical approach by using the immense potential that computer design programs such as CAT1A and ABAQUS brings to the architectonical analysis. The series of churches and other constructions studied are extensive and in this paper we will include only some of the more surprising Balthazar Neuman designs such as the Chapel in the Banz Monastery, Residence Chapel in Wiirzburg Palace and Fourteen Saints Basilica. The program of the advanced research includes the geometrical definition of the architectonical models, most of them checked in situ, the graphical determination, the mathematical FEM definition, and the final analysis and dimensioning. The main objective is to demonstrate that the basis of the optimal behaviour is the special geometry considered for each design that considers only membrane stresses instead of shell stresses. Bending is really acting in borders and edges and not in the general surface as occurs in concrete and steel shells. Baroque was the inventor of membranes as conceived, actually with such complexity that none of the great concrete builders tried to build. It is a thesis well founded in the research that we present in this paper.
机译:贝壳是基于其几何形状的行为的形式。从古代,建筑物的艺术被认为是使用砖头和石头的小块跨越和长大的能力,直到有很大的封闭空间。拱门,拱顶和圆顶的工作原因是他们的几何形状,而不是因为他们的内在加强。根据本发明,圆顶已经经受了优化的过程,该过程在增加其增加的区域的同时慢慢地减小厚度。厚厚的罗马万神殿圆顶被转换,几乎在粗糙的索菲亚的薄皮中几乎用同样的跨度,解释了沉重到轻型建筑的路径。也许在拉韦纳的圣诞节是这个过程的结束,不超过12世纪的文艺复兴时期和奥斯曼圆顶。由于使用一种特殊的空心砖,圣诞节是亮度的高潮。当有些建筑师被驾驶到巴洛克风格的预算短期并倾注技术建议时,他们认为将在几何形状中找到解决方案而不是材料。 Borromini,Guarini和Vittone等建筑师是教授由Juvara,Fischer和Dienzenhofer家族领导的新一代人的主人。他们对双弯曲单层圆顶的提案非常壳牌,比以往任何时候都更薄。此时实现的球形圆顶盖和20厘米,有或没有肋骨。由于穆斯林圆顶,由球形和气瓶扇区组成的拱顶,并且显示出穆斯林圆顶以来的复杂性。 Baroque圆顶的复杂性直到现在,可能是因为工程师在数学分析方面介绍了比几何概念更重要。这就是我们通过使用Cat1a和Abaqus等计算机设计程序的巨大潜力来提出了几何方法的原因。研究的一系列教堂和其他建筑都是广泛的,本文只有一些更令人惊讶的Balthazar Neuman设计,如Banz Umastery,Wiirzburg Palace宫殿和十四名圣萨斯大教堂。先进研究的程序包括建筑模型的几何定义,其中大多数都是原位检查的,图形确定,数学有限元定义以及最终分析和尺寸。主要目的是证明最佳行为的基础是考虑仅考虑仅考虑膜应力而不是壳应力的特殊几何形状。弯曲真的在边界和边缘行动,而不是在混凝土和钢壳中发生的一般表面。巴洛克式是构思的膜的发明者,实际上具有这种复杂性,没有一个伟大的混凝土建造者试图建造。这是一篇在本文中展示的研究中的论文。



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