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Red clover for silage: management impacts on chemical composition in the season after sowing




Management impacts on the chemical composition of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) crops for silage were examined in Ireland. The crops were two diploid cultivars of red clover (Merviot and Ruttinova), each as monocultures or with perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne L. cv. Greengold). In the first season after sowing, crops received 0 or 50 kg inorganic N fertilizer ha~(-1) in March and the first harvest was on 2 June or 19 June. Subsequent harvests were taken 50, 94 and 191 days after 2 June or 44,86 and 174 days after 19 June. Herbage crude protein (CP) content and preservation indices for ensilage [dry matter (DM) and water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) contents, buffering capacity (BC)] were measured at each harvest. Red clover mixed with perennial ryegrass resulted in a higher WSC content but a lower BC and CP content than when in monoculture. The early first harvest resulted in a higher WSC content and lower CP, DM and BC for the first-cut herbage compared to the later first harvest. Crops with Merviot tended to have a higher WSC but a lower CP than those with Ruttinova. Spring application of N fertilizer had little impact on herbage chemical composition.
机译:在爱尔兰检查了对红三叶草(Trifolium Pratense L.)作物的综合成分的管理影响。作物是两倍的红三叶草(Merviot和Ruttinova)的二倍体品种,每种单苗圃或多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne L. cv。Greengold)。在播种后的第一季,3月份在3月份接受了0或50公斤无机N肥料HA〜(-1),第一次收获于6月2日或6月19日。 6月2日或6月19日和174天后进行了50,94和191天的后续收获。在每次收获时测量牧草粗蛋白(CP)含量和保存索引和水溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量,缓冲能力(BC))。红三叶草与多年生黑麦草混合导致更高的WSC含量,但BC和CP内容较低,而不是在单一栽培中。与后来的第一次收获相比,早期的第一次收获导致首先切割牧草的WSC含量和降低CP,DM和BC。疥疮的农作物往往具有更高的WSC,但较低的CP比Ruttinova的CP。 N肥的春季应用对牧草化学成分影响不大。



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