首页> 外文会议>European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications >Integrating Prior Knowledge and Locally Varying Parameters with Moving-GeoStatistics: Methodology and Application to Bathymetric Mapping

Integrating Prior Knowledge and Locally Varying Parameters with Moving-GeoStatistics: Methodology and Application to Bathymetric Mapping




The paper aims at presenting an innovative methodology, called M-GS (M-GeoStatistics), which is fully dedicated to the local optimization of parameters involved in variogram-based models. M-GS considers the structural and computa-tional parameters as a set of dependant parameters to be spatially optimized. The optimization process, which may be guided by objective or subjective criteria, is carried out during a M-structural analysis phase that leads to a set of spatially vari-able structural and computational parameters. The methodology is applied for bathymetry mapping. The availability of accu-rate seafloor estimates is essential for numerous oceanographic projects, including hydrographic, oceanographic and biological models, sedimentary processes, etc. Seafloor usually presents strong non stationarity and complex structures, such as small channels with varying orientations, spatially varying measurements errors, lo-cal heterogeneities for coastal areas, or deep canyons within general gentle slope for continental margins. The adequacy of the M-GS methodology in this framework is illustrated and compared with classical estimates for the Marenne-Oleron coast (West of France). Moreover such methodology could be used to input different local structures into a general model in the aim of a regional synthesis.
机译:本文旨在提出一种创新的方法,称为M-GS(M-Geostaticative),它完全专用于基于变速仪的模型中涉及的参数的局部优化。 M-GS将结构和计算,作为在空间优化的一组依赖参数中的参数。可以通过目标或主观标准引导的优化过程在M结构分析阶段期间执行,该结构分析阶段导致一组空间可变形结构和计算参数。该方法用于沐浴绘图。 Accu-Rate Seafloor估计的可用性对于许多海洋项目,包括水文,海洋学和生物模型,沉积过程等必不可少的海底,通常呈现强的非实用性和复杂的结构,例如具有不同取向的小通道,空间不同的测量误差。 ,沿海地区的LO-CAL异质性,或者在陆地边缘一般温柔的坡度内部峡谷。该框架中M-GS方法的充分性得到了说明并将其与Marenne-Oleron海岸(法国西部)的古典估计进行了比较。此外,这种方法可以用于将不同的局部结构输入到一个区域合成的一般模型中。



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