首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated adn Recalcitrant Compounds >hytoremediation of Arsenic from Residential Soils in the Spring Valley Area of Washington, DC (Abstract)

hytoremediation of Arsenic from Residential Soils in the Spring Valley Area of Washington, DC (Abstract)




The residential area of Spring Valley encompasses approximately six hundred sixty- one (661) acres in the northwest section of Washington, D.C. During World War I, at the American University Experiment Station (AUES), the Department of Defense produced the arsenic-based chemical warfare agents, lewisite and adamsite. Chemists and engi- neers tested these agents in the areas surrounding the AUES, which is now known as the Spring Valley residential neighborhood. Investigative soil sampling indicated the pres- ence of arsenic at levels above background and risk-based concentrations. In 2001, the Army Corps of Engineers initiated a removal action to address these areas of concern. The main remediation technology to be applied at residences with elevated arsenic is excavation followed by backfilling with clean soil. This technology, however, can be environmentally disruptive and expensive. Phytoremediation is being considered as an alternative, in sampling grids of Spring Valley with elevated arsenic, to minimize de- struction of existing trees and reduce restoration costs in these residential areas. In 2004, a field verification study was conducted to evaluate the potential of phytoremediation to address the elevated arsenic soil concentrations. The field verification study consisted of two residential areas and one public access area encompassing 14 sampling grids. Three species of ferns, Pteris vittata, P. cretica and P. multifida, were planted and grown from May to November. The 2004 activities were successful in reducing arsenic concentra- tions in the surface soils below target levels in 12 of the 14 sampling grids. Based on these results, the field activities were expanded in 2005 to include a total of 33 sampling grids using approximately 10,000 plants from five different Pteris fern species to evalu- ate the suitability over a wider variety of soil and growing conditions with the goal of removing arsenic from the soil with minimal impact to existing trees, shrubs and other landscape features. The results of the 2005 field demonstration will be presented.
机译:春谷的住宅区包括约六百六十一(661)在华盛顿特区,在第一次世界大战期间的西北段亩,在美国大学试验站(AUES),国防部产生的砷基化学战剂,路易氏剂和喷嚏性毒气之。化学家和engi- neers在围绕AUES,也就是现在被称为春谷居民区领域测试这些药物。调查土壤采样,在上述背景下,基于风险的浓度水平表明砷pres- ENCE。 2001年,工程师的军队发起了清除行动,以解决关注的这些领域。在与高砷住宅要应用的主要修复技术是挖掘,然后用干净的土壤回填。这种技术,但是,可以是环保破坏性和昂贵的。植物修复被视为一种替代,在与高砷采样泉谷的网格,以减少现有树木的去构与减少在这些住宅区修复费用。 2004年,实地核查研究,以评估植物修复,解决高架砷土壤浓度的潜力。实地核查研究包括2个居民区和一个公共接入区域涵盖14个取样网格。三种蕨类植物,蜈蚣草,P. cretica和P.凤尾的,种植和生长,从5〜11月。 2004年的活动取得圆满成功,在14个采样网格的12降低低于目标水平的表层土壤砷concentra-蒸发散。基于这些结果,本场活动是在2005年扩大到包括使用大约10,000植物从五个不同的凤尾蕨种evalu-共33个采样网格吃了更广泛的土壤和适宜的生长条件与去除的目标从砷影响最小现有的树木,灌木等景观特点的土壤。 2005年示范场的结果将提交。



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