首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated adn Recalcitrant Compounds >The Long Road to NPL Site Deletion for an Intel South Bay VOC Site

The Long Road to NPL Site Deletion for an Intel South Bay VOC Site




The Intel Corporation (Intel) Santa Clara-3 site is attempting to be the first National Priority List (NPL) “Superfund” site in the South Bay to be officially deleted from the NPL. There are 23 current NPL Superfund sites in the South Bay, all of which were designated between 1982 and 1986. Santa Clara-3 was ranked and listed in 1986. Similar to many of the other South Bay sites, Santa Clara-3 was affiliated with semicon- ductor operations. Initial subsurface investigations revealed a release of chlorinated sol- vents, most notably trichloroethylene (TCE). Intel’s Santa Clara-3 is typical of other South Bay NPL sites in its remediation progress, from investigation through source re- moval. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) selected remedy—ground- water extraction and treatment (GTS)—was implemented from 1985 through 1993. The limitations of GTS in achieving Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) cleanup goals at this site were first recognized in 1990, when numerous attempts began to optimize the performance of the GTS and cyclic pumping trials were conducted. No improvement was observed; however, in mid-1993, after 8 1/2 years of groundwater extraction, volatile or- ganic compound (VOC) concentrations in the groundwater plume were leveling off, and the plume boundaries were holding (based on non-detect levels in “guard” wells). Approximately 45 million gallons of groundwater was extracted over the 8 1/2 years of GTS operation. Approximately 28 pounds of TCE and 10 pounds of Freon-113 were re- moved. The mass removal rate decreased over time due to falling concentrations in groundwater. In 1985, the GTS was removing about 1 pound of VOCs per 1 million gal- lons of groundwater extracted; by 1993, only about 0.1 pound of VOCs was extracted per 1 million gallons of groundwater extracted. Average TCE concentration fell from about 400 micrograms per liter (μg/L) to about 25 μg/L. In 1993, the GTS was decom- missioned, resulting in a de facto remedy change to monitored natural attenuation (MNA). After 10 years of MNA, the residual concentrations in the three wells with de- tectable concentrations showed a diminishing concentration trend, although no sustained contaminant asymptote was achieved. In 2004, the EPA was first approached to consider NPL site deletion under the Technical Impractability (TI) rationale. The California Re- gional Water Quality Control Board had already indicated that it considered the site a candidate for closure under its guidance. The EPA stated that, if Intel implemented a Best Available Technology to attempt to reduce the residual VOCs to their respective MCLs, and if the application of the remedy did not reach MCLs, the EPA would consider a TI waiver. In-situ chemical oxidation was selected and applied through injection at 84 points into the residual plume in late 2006, resulting in a further reduction of TCE to an average of 14 μg/L; this concentration did not, however, fall below the 5-μg/L MCL for TCE (the effectiveness of the chemical oxidation remedy was limited by site geochemistry and lithology). Thereafter, the EPA allowed the application for a TI waiver for NPL site dele- tion to move forward.
机译:英特尔公司(Intel)圣克拉拉-3网站试图成为第一个国家优先列表(NPL)“超级基金”的网站在南湾从不良贷款的正式删除。有23个当前不良贷款Superfund现场在南湾,所有这些都被指定1982年和1986年之间圣克拉拉-3排,并在1986年同类上市的许多其他南湾遗址,圣克拉拉-3与关联semicon-墨斗操作。地下初步调查显示,氯化溶剂的溶液的释放,最明显的是三氯乙烯(TCE)。英特尔圣克拉拉-3是典型的通过源重新MOVAL在其修复过程等南湾不良网站,从调查的。美国环境保护署(EPA的)选择的补救措施,地面的水提取和处理(GTS)-was从1985年到1993年实施的GTS的局限性,实现最高污染物水平(MCL)在这个网站清理目标在1990年首次得到确认,当无数次尝试开始优化GTS和循环抽水试验的性能进行了。未见改善;在“防护然而,在后8 1/2年地下水抽取的1993年年,在地下水羽挥发性或 - 加尼奇化合物(VOC)浓度稳定下来,而且羽流边界分别持有(基于非检测水平”井)。大约45000000加仑地下水的提取超过8年半GTS操作。大约28磅的TCE和10磅氟里昂113的被重新移动。质量去除率时间减少了由于浓度下降的地下水。在1985年,GTS被去除约1磅每百万提取地下水的GAL-LONS的VOC;到1993年,仅约0.1磅VOC的是每地下水百万加仑萃取萃取。平均TCE浓度为每升(微克/升)约400微克下降到约25微克/升。在1993年,GTS被decom-受命于中情局,导致事实上的补救改变到监测自然衰减(MNA)。经过10多年的MNA中,残留浓度在三口井去tectable浓度呈逐渐减少的趋势,浓度,虽然没有持续达到污染物渐近线。 2004年,美国环保局首次走近考虑在技术Impractability(TI)的理由下NPL网站删除。加州重新gional水质管理委员会已经表示,它认为该网站在其指导下封闭的候选人。环保署指出,如果英特尔实现最佳的可用技术,以试图减少残留的挥发性有机化合物各自MCLS,如果补救措施的应用没有达到MCLS,环保局将考虑放弃TI。原位化学氧化被选择,并通过注射在84点施用到残留羽流在2006年后期,造成平均14微克/升的进一步降低TCE的;该浓度并没有,但是,低于5微克/升MCL对于TCE(化学氧化补救的有效性通过位点地球化学和岩性限制)。此后,美国环保局允许的TI豁免不良网站dele-重刑的应用向前发展。



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