
Origin of Seed Coat Fragments in Ginned Lint

机译:Ginned Lint中种子涂层片段的起源



Seed coat fragment (SCF) contamination in cotton bales causes processing problems in textile plants. This experiment was designed to determine the origin of SCF by tracking their occurrence through a conventional sequence of gin machinery. On average,there were 8.82 SCF totaling 12.65 mg and averaging 1.45 mg in each gram of lint before lint cleaning. Tests on lint after the lint cleaner showed a 60% reduction in the weight of SCF. Lint cleaner waste analysis provided similar results and showed thatheavier SCF were removed. Seed meats found in the seed roll showed that 0.8% of seed were destroyed accounting for 30% of SCF formed in the gin stand. Small seed eliminated from the distribution by the gin stand were 2.3% of all seed ginned and accounted for 14% of SCF formed in the gin stand. Seed that were damaged in the gin stand but remained intact were 7% of all seed, but there was no estimate for SCF resulting from this damage. There were 4.5 mg SCF/g lint found in seed cotton at the gin stand feeder, and seed meats found in seed cotton cleaner trash explained only 1.0 mg SCF/g lint. Most seed meats (57%) were found in the first seed cotton cleaner, so much of the damage before ginning may have occurred in the field. These preliminary results suggest that small/immature seed were more likely to form SCF as they passed through the gin stand. Seed destroyed in the gin stand was the major source of SCF, followed by seed that were only damaged in the gin stand.
机译:棉包中的种子涂层片段(SCF)污染导致纺织植物中的处理问题。该实验旨在通过通过传统的GIN机械序列跟踪它们的发生来确定SCF的起源。平均而言,在棉绒清洁之前,共有8.82毫克总共12.65毫克,平均每克棉绒1.45毫克。在棉绒清洁剂后棉绒试验显示SCF的重量减少60%。 LINT清洁剂废物分析提供了类似的结果,并显示了SCF被移除。在种子辊中发现的种子肉表明,0.8%的种子被破坏占GIN支架中形成的30%的SCF。从杜松子酒架的分布消除了小种子,占所有种子的2.3%,占GIN支架中形成的SCF的14%。在杜松子酒支架中损坏但保持完整的种子是所有种子的7%,但由于这种损害导致SCF没有估计。在GIN支架喂食器的种子棉中发现了4.5毫克SCF / G棉绒,种子棉净化器垃圾中发现的种子肉仅解释了1.0 mg SCF / G棉绒。在第一个籽棉清洁剂中发现大多数种子肉(57%),在野外可能发生了轧花前的大部分损坏。这些初步结果表明,小/未成熟的种子更有可能形成SCF,因为它们通过杜松子酒支架。在杜松子酒座中被摧毁的种子是SCF的主要来源,其次是池塘架上损坏的种子。



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