首页> 外文会议>ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics >Metabolism and Excretion of the 5-HT1D antagonist ~(14)CCP-448,187 in Humans: Determination of the Site of Hydroxylation of the Major Fecal Metabolite and Structural Characterization of the Novel Cyclized Indole Major Circulating Metabolite by ~(1)HLC-NMR and Chemical Approaches

Metabolism and Excretion of the 5-HT1D antagonist ~(14)CCP-448,187 in Humans: Determination of the Site of Hydroxylation of the Major Fecal Metabolite and Structural Characterization of the Novel Cyclized Indole Major Circulating Metabolite by ~(1)HLC-NMR and Chemical Approaches

机译:人类的5-HT1D拮抗剂〜(14)C CP-448,187的代谢和排泄:测定羟基化的主要粪便代谢物的部位和新型环状吲哚的结构表征〜(1)HLC的主要循环代谢物-NMR和化学方法



CP-448,187 was extensively metabolized and only a small amount of unchanged drug was found in urine and feces. Total recovery of the administered dose was 78.9 +- 5.6. Approximately 57.9 +- 4.2percent and 21.0 +- 1.9percent (mean +- SD) of the administered radioactive dose was excreted in feces and urine, respectively (average of 6 human subjects). The major component of drug related material in the excreta was in the feces and was unambiguously identified as the 5-OH-CP-448,187 metabolite (M2) and accounted approximately for 34.4percent of the administered dose. Additionally, the major human circulating metabolite was identified unambiguously as the novel cyclized indole metabolite of CP-448,187 (M10A) using 1H-NMR and chemical approaches and accounted for approx65percent of the total radioactivity (average of 6 human subjects).
机译:CP-448,187广泛代谢,尿液和粪便中仅发现少量不变的药物。施用剂量的总回收率为78.9±5.6。在粪便和尿液中排出约57.9 + 4.2%和21.0 + - 1.9(平均±1.9(平均+ -SD)排出粪便和尿液(平均6人受试者)。在粪便中,药物相关材料的主要成分在粪便中,明确地识别为5-OH-CP-448,187代谢物(M2),并占施用剂量的34.4°。另外,使用1H-NMR和化学方法的CP-448,187(M10A)的新型环化吲哚代谢物明确地鉴定了主要人循环代谢物,并占总放射性的大约65%(6人受试者的平均值)。



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