




Tactical training ranges provide an opportunity for all of the armed forces to assess operational readiness. To perform this task the various training ranges have deployed numerous telemetry systems. The current design efforts in place to upgrade the capabilities and unify the ranges under one telemetry system do not address the training ranges' need to maintain their training capability with the legacy systems that have been deployed until the new systems are ready. Two systems that have recently undergone sustainment efforts are the Player and Event Tracking System (TAPETS) and the Large Area Tracking Range (LATR). TAPETS is a telemetry system operated by the U.S. Army Operational Test Command. The TAPETS system is comprised of the ground mobile station Standard Range Unit (SRU) and the aircraft Inertial Global Positioning System (GPS) Integration (IGI) Pod. Both systems require a transponder for the wireless communications link. LATR is an over the horizon telemetry system operated by the U.S. Navy at various test ranges to track ground based, ship based, and airborne participants in training exercises. The LATR system is comprised of Rotary Wing (RW), Fixed Wing (FW) Pods, Fixed Wing Internal (FWI), Ship, and Ground Participant Instrumentation Packages (PIPs) as well as Ground Interrogation Station (GIS) and relay stations. Like the TAPETS system, each of these packages and stations also require a transponder for the wireless communications link. Both telemetry systems have developed additional capabilities in order to better support and train the Armed Forces, which consequently requires more transponders. In addition, some areas were experiencing failures in their transponders that have been deployed for many years. The available spare components of some systems had been depleted and the sustainment requirements along with the increased demand for assets were beginning to impact the ability of the systems to successfully monitor the training ranges during exercises. The path to maintaining operational capability chosen for the TAPETS system was a mixed approach that consisted of identifying a depot level repair facility for their transponders and funding the development of new transponder printed circuit boards (PCB's) where obsolescence prevented a sufficient number of repairable units. In the case of LATR, the decision was made to create new transponders to take advantage of cost effective state-of-the-art RF design and manufacturing processes. The result of this effort is a new transponder that is operationally indistinguishable from the legacy transponder in all installation environments. The purpose of this paper is to present two successful system sustainment efforts with different approaches to serve as models for preserving the current level of training range capabilities until the next generation of telemetry systems are deployed. While the two programs illustrated here deal primarily with the transponder components of the systems, these same methods can be applied to the other aspects of legacy telemetry system sustainment efforts.
机译:战术训练范围为所有武装部队提供评估操作准备的机会。要执行此任务,各种培训范围部署了众多遥测系统。目前在一个遥测系统下升级功能和统一范围的当前设计努力未解决培训范围,以便在新系统准备好之前将其培训能力维持其培训能力。最近经历了维持工作的两个系统是玩家和事件跟踪系统(Tapets)和大面积跟踪范围(LatR)。 Tapets是由U.S.陆军运营测试命令操作的遥测系统。 Tapets系统由地面移动站标准范围单元(SRU)和飞机惯性全球定位系统(GPS)集成(IGI)POD组成。两个系统都需要用于无线通信链路的应答器。 Latr是由美国海军在各种测试范围内运营的地平线遥测系统,以跟踪基于地面,船舶的船舶和空中参与者在培训练习。 LATR系统由旋转翼(RW),固定机翼(FW)吊舱,固定翼内部(FWI),船舶和地面参与者仪表(PIPS)以及地面询问站(GIS)和中继站组成。与Tapets系统一样,这些包和站中的每一个也需要用于无线通信链路的应答器。两个遥测系统都开发了额外的能力,以便更好地支持和培训武装部队,从而需要更多的转发器。此外,一些地区正在经历已部署多年的转发器中的失败。某些系统的可用备件已经耗尽,维持要求随着对资产的增加而言,开始影响系统在练习期间成功监测培训范围的能力。保持针对Tapets系统所选择的操作能力的路径是一种混合方法,包括识别其转发器的Depot水平修复设施,并资助新的转发器印刷电路板(PCB)的开发,其中过时地阻止了足够数量的可修复单元。在Latr的情况下,该决定是为了创造新的转发人员利用成本效益的最先进的RF设计和制造过程。这项努力的结果是一个新的转发器,它在所有安装环境中的遗留转发器中无法无法区分。本文的目的是提出两个成功的系统维持力,采用不同的方法,作为保留当前培训范围功能的模型,直到下一代遥测系统部署。虽然这里所示的两个程序主要与系统的转发器组件一起处理,但这些方法可以应用于传统遥测系统维持努力的其他方面。



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