首页> 外文会议>the Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society >Rice Field Soils Organic Matter Characterization Using Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Matrix Technique

Rice Field Soils Organic Matter Characterization Using Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Matrix Technique




Agricultural soil have the potential to make a significant contribution towards reducing net emission of greenhouse gases (CO-2, CH-4 and N-2O) to the atmosphere through increased carbon (C) sequestration in soil organic matter (SOM). Increasing SOM has the added benefit of improving soil quality and thereby enhancing the long-term sustainability of agriculture. In Brazil, from the 47 Mha used for the agriculture activities, in the year of 2005, 25 Mha will be under low tillage management. It should be noted that in addition to minimizing soil disturbance, reduced tillage practices also involve increased plant residue retention and cycling. This is the main factor to rebuilding soil organic carbon (SOC) levels. Rio Grande do Sul, the southest State of Brazil, is one of the main producers of irrigated rice in the country.
机译:农业土壤有可能通过增加土壤有机物质(SOM)中的碳(C)封存来减少对大气中的温室气体(CO-2,CH-4和N-2O)的净排放到大气中的显着贡献。增加SOM具有提高土壤质量的额外益处,从而提高农业的长期可持续性。在巴西,从47名用于农业活动的MHA,在2005年的2005年,25名MHA将在低耕作管理下。应当注意,除了最小化土壤障碍之外,减少的耕作实践还涉及增加的植物残留保留和循环。这是重建土壤有机碳(SOC)水平的主要因素。 Rio Grande Do Sul是巴西北部州,是该国灌溉米的主要生产商之一。



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