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Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Significantly Accumulated Proteins During the Arabidopsis Seedling De-etiolation Process




Proteomlc analysis was performed on seedlings after different light treatments. A total of (1 350±31) protein spots was separated and visualized on each silver nitrate-stained two-dimensional gel using protein samples prepared from light-grown or etiolated seedlings with or without 6-9 h light treatment. Twenty-five protein spots (encoded by 19 genes) that were significantly accumulated upon light treatment were identified using the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionlzation time-of-flight mass speetrometry method. Functional proteomics indicated that these proteins involved mainly in chloroplast development, energy metabolism, cell cycle progression and membrane eleetron transport. For 18 of the protein-coding genes we identified through an internet search, the transcript levels of 17 genes matched roughly with their protein content in etiolated and green seedlings, suggesting that these genes were regulated by light mainly at the transerip-tional level. Despite a very significant increase in the amount of proteins upon light treatment, similar RNA levels were found In dark-grown or green seedlings for the carbonic anhydrase gene At3g05100, indicating a possible post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism. Elucidation of light-induced protein accumulation will undoubtedly enhance our understanding of plant photomorphogenesis.



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