首页> 外文会议>Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials >Generation of ion-acoustic waves in an inductively coupled, low-pressure discharge lamp

Generation of ion-acoustic waves in an inductively coupled, low-pressure discharge lamp




For a number of years it has been known that the alkali rf-discharge lamps used in atomic clocks can exhibit large amplitude intensity oscillations. These oscillations arise from ion-acoustic plasma waves and have typically been associated with erratic clock behavior. Though large amplitude ion-acoustic plasma waves are clearly deleterious for atomic clock operation, it does not follow that small amplitude oscillations have no utility. Here, we demonstrate two easily implemented methods for generating small amplitude ion-acoustic plasma waves in alkali rf-discharge lamps. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the frequency of these waves is proportional to the square root of the rf power driving the lamp and therefore that their examination can provide an easily accessible parameter for monitoring and controlling the lamp's plasma conditions. This has important consequences for precise timekeeping, since the atomic ground-state hyperfine transition, which is the heart of the atomic clock signal, can be significantly perturbed by changes in the lamp's output via the ac-Stark shift.
机译:众所周知,原子钟中使用的碱RF放电灯可以表现出大的幅度强度振荡。这些振荡由离子声等离子体波引起并且通常与不稳定的时钟行为相关联。虽然大幅度离子声等离子体波对于原子钟操作显然有害,但它不遵循小幅度振荡没有实用性。这里,我们展示了两种用于在碱RF-放电灯中产生小幅度离子电压等离子体波的两种易于实施的方法。此外,我们证明这些波的频率与驱动灯的RF功率的平方根成比例,因此它们的检查可以提供用于监视和控制灯的等离子体条件的易于访问的参数。这对精确计时具有重要的后果,因为是由原子时钟信号的核心的原子地面 - 状态高血换转换,这可以通过AC-STARK偏移的灯输出的变化显着地扰乱。



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