首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Low Temperature Physics >Quantum Monte Carlo Optimization in Many Fermion Systems

Quantum Monte Carlo Optimization in Many Fermion Systems

机译:Quantum Monte Carlo优化在许多费米子系统中



We have developed a Quantum Monte Carlo optimization (QMCO) method for many fermion systems. The ground state wave function is written as a linear combination of the basis states generated using the auxiliary field method The bases are chosen with weights that are determined by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian to lower the ground state energy. The QMCO method is free from a difficulty originating from the negative sign problem. We apply the QMCO method to the two-leg ladder and two-dimensional Hubbard model. We can reproduce the exact results for the Hubbard model on small clusters. The pair correlation function is indeed enhanced compared to that for U(velence)0 as the strength of the repulsive Coulomb interaction increases.
机译:我们开发了许多费米子系统的量子蒙特卡罗优化(QMCO)方法。接地态波函数被写为使用辅助场方法产生的基态的线性组合,基座被选择为通过对角度化哈密尔顿人来降低地面能量来确定的权重。 QMCO方法没有源自负符号问题的困难。我们将QMCO方法应用于双腿梯子和二维Hubbard模型。我们可以在小型集群上重现Hubbard模型的确切结果。与u(柔和度)0相比,该对相关函数确实增强,因为排斥库相互作用的强度增加。



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