首页> 外文会议>Annual International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference >The effect of landscape surface age on linking terrestrial productivity to higher trophic levels in lake ecosystems through methanotrophic bacteria

The effect of landscape surface age on linking terrestrial productivity to higher trophic levels in lake ecosystems through methanotrophic bacteria




The landscape on the North Slope of Alaska reflects a complex glacial history, with younger surfaces (<25,000 years before present) interspersed with older surfaces, some exceeding 780,000 ybp since deglaciation. Surfaces differ in vegetation characteristics, soil chemistry, and methane flux. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is high in all lakes but higher in lakes on older landscapes. We compared gamma C of benthic macroinvertebrates from lakes across landscape ages to evaluate the importance of methane as a carbon source for macroinvertebrates. Four of five taxa had significantly lower gamma C in lakes on old compared to young landscapes, indicating greater reliance on methane-derived carbon. The filter-feeding clam Sphaerium had higher gamma C than other taxa, indicating less importance of methanotrophy. Other landscape factors had little effect on macroinvertebrate gamma C. Low primary production and high DOC suggest a strong link to terrestrial productivity. Methanotrophy is an important mechanism linking terrestrial DOC to lake benthic foodwebs.
机译:阿拉斯加北坡景观反映了一个复杂的冰川历史,与年轻的表面(<当前25000年之前)穿插着旧的表面,有些超过自冰消78万到宜宾。表面的植被特征,土壤化学,和甲烷通量不同。溶解的有机碳(DOC)是在所有的湖泊高,但在较旧的景观中湖泊更高。我们比较了来自全国各地的景观湖泊岁底栖大型无脊椎动物的伽马C到评估为无脊椎动物碳源甲烷的重要性。 5个类群中的4个人在旧的湖泊相比,年轻的景观显著下伽玛C,表明对甲烷来源的碳更加依赖。该滤食性蛤Sphaerium具有比其他更高类群伽马C,指示methanotrophy不太重要。其他景点因素对无脊椎动物伽马C.低的初级生产和高DOC表示强链接陆地生产力的影响很小。 Methanotrophy是连接陆地DOC湖泊底栖foodwebs的重要机制。



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