首页> 外文会议>Annual International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference >Green Infrastructure and development: Bat (Chiroptera) populations along an historic green lane and around a SUDS on an adjacent new housing development at Upton, Northampton, UK

Green Infrastructure and development: Bat (Chiroptera) populations along an historic green lane and around a SUDS on an adjacent new housing development at Upton, Northampton, UK




Bats were surveyed at known roost locations along an historic lane and an adjacent new housing development at Upton, to the west of Northampton. The principles of sustainable development are being applied to this new urban expansion. The development includes a continuous (roof to river) Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS). Bats were surveyed for 10 days in the late summer of 2005. The main objective of this study was to identify bat species present, their distribution at a landscape scale, and identify potential feeding areas. A total of ten sites were surveyed along Upton Lane and on the Upton construction site. A total of 5 species of bats were recorded on and off the construction site: the most abundant being the Common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). Bats were active on the development site (90 calls), but calls were more abundant along Upton Lane (388 calls). Some parts of the SUDS retention ponds may have been used by bats for feeding. It is proposed that Upton Lane is being used as a bat corridor: linking older extant habitats to the River Nene and possibly to new feeding areas.
机译:蝙蝠在历史悠久的车道和毗邻厄顿西部的历史悠久的车道和邻近的新住房开发,蝙蝠在北安普敦西部进行调查。可持续发展原则正在应用于这种新的城市扩张。该开发包括连续(屋顶)可持续城市排水系统(SUDS)。 2005年夏季调查了蝙蝠10天。本研究的主要目标是识别存在的蝙蝠物种,其在景观量表中的分布,并识别潜在的饲养区。共有十个地点沿乌普顿车道和UPTON建筑工地进行调查。施工现场共及其录制了5种蝙蝠:最丰富的是普通管道(Pipistrellus Pipistrellus)。蝙蝠在开发网站上活跃(90次电话),但距欧普顿巷(388个电话)呼叫更加丰富。蝙蝠可以使用泡沫保留池的一些部分供饲料。建议普通车道被用作蝙蝠走廊:将较旧的现存栖息地与河边的河流连接到河边,可能是新的饲养区。



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