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A New High-Performance, Four-Stroke Engine for All-Position Use in Hand-Held Power Tools




This paper reviews the current and new mini-four-stroke engine technologies that are suitable to be implemented in lightweight outdoor power equipment. A new mixture lubrication setup has been developed for a very compact mini-four-stroke engine. Special emphasis is laid on the design of the combustion chamber and the valve train. The paper derives how to systematically translate the user demands of a lightweight engine to the new mini-four-stroke engine. The new STIHL 4-MIX engine features an integral one-component cylinder including the cylinder head, two valves and a very simple drive train consisting of a plastic cam including a decompression mechanism. The valve train stands speeds in excess of 12,000 rpm and it is also lubricated by the new mixture lubrication setup. The piston is used as an oil-mist pump. The engine has an output of 1.0 kW out of 31.4 cm{sup}3. Pressure indication work is used in order to optimize the combustion process. The development effort and process of this new mini-four-stroke technology are very important and to a certain extent pioneering for the use of mini-four-stroke engines in all-position, hand-held outdoor power equipment.
机译:本文介绍了适合于轻质户外电源设备实施的当前和新的迷你四冲程发动机技术。已经开发了一种新的混合润滑设置,用于非常紧凑的迷你四冲程发动机。特别强调铺设燃烧室和阀门列车的设计。该论文推出了如何系统地将轻量级引擎的用户需求转换为新的迷你四冲程引擎。新的STIHL 4混合发动机具有一体的单组分圆筒,包括气缸盖,两个阀门和由包括减压机构的塑料凸轮组成的非常简单的传动系。阀门列车支撑超过12,000rpm的速度,并且还通过新的混合物润滑设置润滑。活塞用作油雾泵。发动机的输出为1.0kW,31.4cm {sup} 3。使用压力指示工作以优化燃烧过程。这种新的迷你四冲程技术的开发工作和过程非常重要,在一定程度上开创了在全职,手持式户外电力设备中使用迷你四冲程发动机。



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