首页> 外文会议>International Society of Craniofacial Surgery >The Use of Implantable Springs in the Dynamic Expansion to Craniosynostosis Treatment 17 Cases Analysis

The Use of Implantable Springs in the Dynamic Expansion to Craniosynostosis Treatment 17 Cases Analysis




Purpose: To analyze 17 patients - 11 males and 6 females, ages ranging between 10 days and 9 years-old - diagnosed with craniosynostosis and treated with implantable/non absorbable springs for dynamic expansion; Method: The cases were assessed between March of 2002 and November of 2006.Incisions were bicoronal in 16 cases and sagittal in 1 case, with subgaleal detachment and craniectomy; Results: All the patients were discharged within 3 days. One patient with pansynostosis (Apert) presented superficialization of the springs at the right side and the springs were removed. Two cases required repositioning of the springs. All the patients had their cranial vault expanded and remodeled satisfactory. The springs were removed between 50 e 270 days after insertion, without complications; Conclusions: With the advent of bone distraction, it is possible to carry out less invasive and safer procedures. This study suggests that the use of spring expansion is efficient, with low morbity and good results.
机译:目的:分析17例患者 - 11名男性和6名女性,年龄在10天和9岁之间 - 诊断患有颅骨,并用植入/不可吸收弹簧进行治疗,用于动态扩展;方法:案件于2002年3月至2006年11月之间进行评估.ICINININICS在16例患者中均为嗜患者,1例患者,具有骨折分离和颅骨切除术;结果:所有患者均在3天内排出。一个患有PANSnyososiss(孔)的患者呈现出右侧的弹簧呈肤化,并除去弹簧。两个案例需要重新定位弹簧。所有患者都有他们的颅穹窿扩大和改造令人满意。在插入后270天之间除去弹簧,无需并发症;结论:随着骨干扰的出现,可以执行较少的侵入性和更安全的程序。本研究表明,使用弹簧膨胀是有效的,病效率低,结果良好。



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