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Sadi Carnot's Ingenious Reasoning of Ideal Heat Engine Reversible Cycles

机译:Sadi Carnot的理想热力发动机可逆周期的巧妙推理



Sadi Carnot, at age 28, published in 1824, now famous "Reflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu (Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire)," which is much more important than what it appears at first. It may be among the most important treatises in natural sciences. At that time, when heat was considered as indestructible caloric and the energy conservation law was not known, when heat engines were in initial stage of development with efficiency of less than 5%, the confusion and speculations flourished. Carnot's reasoning of reversible cycles is in many ways equal if not more significant than the Einstein's relativity theory in modern times. It led to discovery of Thermodynamic absolute temperature and entropy, and the far-reaching Second Law of Thermodynamics. No wander that Carnot's work was not noticed at his time, when his ingenious reasoning of ideal heat engine reversible cycles is not fully recognized, and may be truly comprehended by a few, even now. Additional reasoning and conclusions are also presented here.
机译:28岁的Sadi Carnot于1824年出版,现在是着名的“Reflexions Sur La Puissance Motririce du Feu(关于火力的思考),这比首先出现的更重要。它可能是自然科学中最重要的论文之一。那时,当热量被认为是坚不可摧的热量,节能法未知,当热风发动机处于初始发展阶段时,效率低于5%,混乱和猜测蓬勃发展。 Carnot的可逆周期的推理是在许多方面,如果与Einstein在近时的相对论理论不比那么重要。它导致热力学绝对温度和熵的发现,以及热力学的深远的第二律法。当他的巧妙推理理想的热量发动机可逆周期没有充分认识到他的巧妙推理时,没有徘徊,即使现在,也许是真正理解的。这里还提供了额外的推理和结论。



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