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Quality of oocytes and embryos in patients with polycystic ovaries




Oocytes retrieved from gonadotrophin-stimulated cycles in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients are of different quality and different developmental potential We hypothesized that oocyte quality and fertilization potential might be related to the fbllicular fluid active renin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)'concentiations In this prospective study 20 patients with PCOS undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) (conventional IVF or inttacytoplasmic sperm injection-ICSI) were included,. Each fbllicular aspirate was analysed for active renin and VEGF Oocytes and embryos were checked for quality. In empty follicular aspirates active renin concentrations were higher (mean difference: 0.05 pg/ml; range: 0,01 to 0 09 pg/ml; P=0 01) and VEGF concentrations were lower (mean difference: 169 pg/ml; range: 330 to - 8 pg/ml; P= 0 034) than in the aspirates containing normal appearing Mil oocytes Follicular fluid VEGF concentrations were lower in immature than in normal appearing Mil oocytes (mean difference: - 548 pg/ml; range: - 1064 to - 32 pg/ml; P=0 034) VEGF concentrations were higher in aspirates containing normal appearing Mil oocytes that fertilized compared to those Mil oocytes that did not (2238 +- 691 vs., 1877 +- 902 pg/ml; P=0.045). Differentiation of normal appearing Mil oocytes that fertilize from those that do not might be the consequence of better expression and action of RAS substances and VEGF.
机译:在多囊卵巢综合征促性腺激素刺激周期取卵(PCOS)患者不同的质量和不同的发展潜力,我们推测,卵母细胞质量和受精潜力可能涉及到fbllicular流体积极肾素和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)'concentiations在本前瞻性研究PCOS进行体外受精(IVF)(常规IVF或inttacytoplasmic精子注射ICSI)被列入20例,.每个fbllicular分泌物中分析了积极肾素和VEGF卵母细胞和胚胎进行了检查质量。在空的滤泡抽吸活性肾素浓度较高(平均差异:0.05微克/毫升;范围:0.01至0.09微克/毫升; P = 0 01)和VEGF浓度较低(平均差异:169微克/毫升;范围:330 - 8微克/毫升; P = 0 034)中比在含有抽吸正常表现英里卵母细胞卵泡液VEGF浓度在未成熟的比正常表现英里的卵母细胞降低(平均差异: - 548皮克/毫升;范围: - 1064 - 32微克/毫升; P = 0 034)VEGF浓度在含有正常表现英里的卵母细胞吸出物高于受精相比,没有(2238 +那些英里的卵母细胞 - 691对比,1877 + - 902皮克/毫升; P = 0.045)。看似正常的军用分化卵母细胞来自那些没有可能是更好的表达和RAS物质和血管内皮生长因子作用的结果,即受精。



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