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The overwintering chasraothecia of Podosphaera aphanis and the initiation of the subsequent epidemic

机译:Podosphaera Aphanis的过冬乳刺症和随后的流行病的启动



Commercial strawberry production in the UK has used polythene (Spanish) tunnels since 1993. This protection was introduced to give a harvest period of five months rather than the six weeks from unprotected strawberries. The covering protects the plants from rain damage which was the main agent for the spread of grey mould fungus, Botrytis cinerea. Polythene tunnels have thus improved the conditions for strawberry production and controlled grey mould. The environment created in the polythene tunnels is, however, favourable for the growth and development of powdery mildew of strawberries, caused by Podosphaera aphanis. Epidemics of P. aphanis are now the main threat to strawberry production in the UK. Strawberry breeders in the UK concentrate on fruitquality and appearance. As a consequence only a narrow range of varieties is grown, most of which are disease susceptible (Dodgson et al., 2005). Growers could manipulate the tunnel environment to control P. aphanis but in practice the conditions required to produce high quality fruit correspond to the conditions that enhance epidemics of P. aphanis. Disease control in commercial crops is, therefore, dependant on regular applications of fungicides.
机译:自1993年以来,英国的商业草莓生产使用了Polythene(西班牙语)隧道。介绍了这种保护,以获得五个月的收获期,而不是未受保护的草莓的六周。覆盖物保护植物免受雨损伤,这是灰霉菌真菌的散布的主要代理,Botrytis cinerea。因此,聚乙烯隧道改善了草莓生产和控制灰色模具的条件。然而,在聚乙烯隧道中产生的环境是有利于由Podosphanera Aphanis引起的草莓粉末状霉菌的生长和发展。 P.Pahanis的流行病现在是英国草莓生产的主要威胁。草莓育种者在英国集中在结​​果和外表。结果只生长了狭窄的品种,其中大部分是易感性(Dodgson等,2005)。种植者可以操纵隧道环境来控制P. aphanis,但在实践中,生产高质量水果所需的条件对应于增强P. aphanis流行病的条件。因此,商业作物中的疾病控制取决于杀真菌剂的定期应用。



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