首页> 外文会议>European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence >Unifying Reasoning and Core-Guided Search for Maximum Satisfiability

Unifying Reasoning and Core-Guided Search for Maximum Satisfiability




A central algorithmic paradigm in maximum satisfiability solving geared towards real-world optimization problems is the coreguided approach. Furthermore, recent progress on preprocessing techniques is bringing in additional reasoning techniques to MaxSAT solving. Towards realizing their combined potential, understanding formal underpinnings of interleavings of preprocessing-style reasoning and core-guided algorithms is important. It turns out that earlier proposed notions for establishing correctness of core-guided algorithms and preprocessing, respectively, are not enough for capturing correctness of interleavings of the techniques. We provide an in-depth analysis of these and related MaxSAT instance transformations, and propose correction set reducibility as a notion that captures inprocessing MaxSAT solving within a state-transition style abstract MaxSAT solving framework. Furthermore, we establish a general theorem of correctness for applications of SAT-based preprocessing techniques in MaxSAT. The results pave way for generic techniques for arguing about the formal correctness of MaxSAT algorithms.



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