
A Case for Efficient Solution Enumeration




SAT solvers have been ranked primarily by the time they take to find a solution or show that none exists. And indeed, for many problems that are reduced to SAT, finding a single solution is what matters. As a result, much less attention has been paid to the problem of efficiently generating all solutions. This paper explains why such functionality is useful. We outline an approach to automatic test case generation in which an invariant is expressed in a simple relational logic and translated to a prepositional formula. Solutions found by a SAT solver are lifted back to the relational domain and reified as test cases. In unit testing of object-oriented programs, for example, the invariant constrains the representation of an object; the test cases are then objects on which to invoke a method under test. Experimental results demonstrate that, despite the lack of attention to this problem, current SAT solvers still provide a feasible solution. In this context, symmetry breaking plays a significant, but different role from its conventional one. Rather than reducing the time to finding the first solution, it reduces the number of solutions generated, and improves the quality of the test suite.
机译:SAT求解器主要是在寻找解决方案或表明没有存在的情况下排名的。事实上,对于许多减少到SAT的问题,找到一个解决方案是重要的。因此,对有效地产生了所有解决方案的问题,重视的重视得多。本文解释了为什么这样的功能很有用。我们概述了一种自动测试用例的方法,其中不变地以简单的关系逻辑表示并转换为介词公式。 SAT求解器发现的解决方案被解除回关系域并被redized作为测试用例。例如,在面向对象的程序的单位测试中,不变量约束对象的表示;然后测试案例在其上调用它的测试方法。实验结果表明,尽管缺乏对这个问题的关注,但目前的SAT溶剂仍然提供可行的解决方案。在这种情况下,对称性破坏从其传统的那种情况下发挥着重要的作用。它而不是减少找到第一个解决方案的时间,而不是减少生成的解决方案的数量,并提高了测试套件的质量。



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