
ICT in Indian NARS




India is a large country with inherent geographic, ecological and cultural diversity, making information dissemination and communication a challenging task. Agriculture is no exception. Of the total 143 M ha of net area cultivated in India, it is divided into about 115 M holdings, of which 56.7% are less than 1 ha in size. termed as Marginal Farms and about 20% holdings in 1 -2 ha range, called Small Farms. So. farmers with Small and Marginal holdings, constitute as much as 3/4th of the tanning community in India. They are generally poor, have low level ot'literacy and have capital and management constraint. Agriculture received high priority when India became independent in 1947. Agriculture continues to be backbone of the Indian economy & source of livelihood. It contributes about 26.3% to GDP and provides sustenance to 63.2% of the people. Nineteenth & twentieth century colonial India witnessed devastating droughts and famines. Import of food grains used to he major import bill in 1950s and 1960s till it succeeded in bringing Green Revolution in 1967-68, which brought about quantum jump in food grain production. It succeeded in raising the food grain production from 51 million tones (Mt) in 1949-1950 to 212 Ml in 2001-02, the production dippedto 182.5 Mt in 2002-03 but is expected to be 215 Mt in 2003-04, indicating the predominant role played by monsoon. Most of increase is through the increasing productiv ity, 35-50% increase may be attributed to agricultural research. The Green Revolutionwas succeeded by 'White Revolution" stepping up milk production to over 82 Mt by 2002-03 making India largest producer of milk at economical costs. Technological Mission on Oilseeds brought Yellow Revolution', providing near self-sufficiency in vegetableoils. It had 'Blue Revolution' with fish production increasing several folds reaching about 5.7 Mt by 2002-2003. It had similar growth in vegetable and fruit production, becoming second largest producer in the world, next only to China. Production andproductivity of commercial and plantation crops also made remarkable progress. In order to meet the demand of increasing population, food security and nutritional security, emphasis is now placed on harnessing genetically modified crops and biotechnology. Indian NARS spearheaded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) played major role in these developments by making available location specific technologies, human resources and management packages, closely working with developmental departments, policy makers, finance and marketing institutions.
机译:印度是一个拥有内在地理,生态和文化多样性的大国,使信息传播和沟通有挑战性的任务。农业也不例外。在印度培养的143米高的净区域中,它分为大约115米的持股,其中56.7%的规模小于1公顷。被称为边缘农场,在1 -2公顷的范围内约20%,称为小农场。所以。具有小和边缘持有的农民,构成印度晒黑社区的3/4。它们一般差,具有低水平的OT'Literacy并具有资本和管理限制。 1947年印度独立时,农业得到了高度优先。农业继续成为印度经济与生计来源的骨干。它为GDP贡献了约26.3%,为人民的63.2%提供了寄托。第十九世纪世纪殖民地印度目睹了毁灭性的干旱和饥荒。 20世纪50年代和20世纪60年代的进口粮食谷物以20世纪60年代和20世纪60年代,直到1967 - 68年成功地带来了绿色革命,它带来了粮食粮食生产量的量子跳跃。它成功地将1949年至1950年的5100万吨(MT)从2001-02筹集到212毫升的食品粮食产量,2002 - 03年生产跌至182.5吨,但预计在2003年至04年度是215吨,表明季风扮演的主要作用。大部分增长是通过越来越多的产品ITY,增加35-50%可能归因于农业研究。在2002 - 03年度以2002 - 03年制作印度最大的牛奶生产国以经济成本为2002 - 03年升至超过82吨的绿色革命。制品的技术使命带来了黄色革命,提供了Quantsoils的自给自足。它有“蓝色革命”与鱼类产量增加几折达到2002 - 2003年的5.7吨。它在蔬菜和水果生产中具有相似的增长,成为世界上第二大生产国,仅次于中国。商业和种植园农作物的生产兼产量。取得了卓越的进展。为了满足人口增加,粮食安全和营养安全的需求,现在重点是利用转基因作物和生物技术。印度农业研究委员会(ICAR)的印度NARS在这些发展中发挥了重要作用通过提供特定的特定技术,人力资源和管理包,密切合作与发展部门,政策制定者,金融和营销机构。



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