首页> 外文会议>Annual symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science >Fair cake-cutting is the division of a cake or resource among N users so that each user is content. Users may value a given piece of cake differently, and information about how a user values different parts of the cake can only be obtained by request

Fair cake-cutting is the division of a cake or resource among N users so that each user is content. Users may value a given piece of cake differently, and information about how a user values different parts of the cake can only be obtained by request




The celebrated Vickrey-Clarke-Grove(VCG) mechanism induces selfish agents to behave truthfully by paying them a premium. In the process, it may end up paying more than the actual cost to the agents. For the minimum spanning tree problem, if the market is "competitive", one can show that VCG never pays too much. On the other hand, for the shortest s-t path problem, Archer and Tardos [5] showed that VCG can overpay by a factor of Ω(n). A natural question that arises then is: For what problems does VCG overpay by a lot? We quantify this notion of overpayment, and show that the class of instances for which VCG never overpays is a natural generalization of matroids, that we call frugoids. We then give some sufficient conditions to upper bound and lower bound the overpayment in other cases, and apply these to several important combinatorial problems. We also relate the overpayment in an suitable model to the locality ratio of a natural local search procedure.
机译:庆祝的Vickrey-Clarke-Grove(VCG)机制诱使自私的代理商通过向他们支付保费来如实表现。在此过程中,它可能最终支付超过代理的实际成本。对于最小的生成树问题,如果市场是“竞争的”,可以表明VCG从未付出过多。另一方面,对于最短的S-T路径问题,ARCHER和TARDOS [5]显示VCG可以通过ω(n)倍数。那种出现的自然问题是:VCG的问题多付了很多问题?我们量化过支付的这一概念,并表明VCG从未超过过染色的情况是麦芽糖的天然概括。然后,我们在其他情况下给予上限和下限的一些充分条件,并将这些重要组合问题应用于几个重要的组合问题。我们还将超额付款与自然本地搜索程序的地区比例相关。



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