首页> 外文会议>International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation >Anechoic Chamber Testing of M-Code Interference with Legacy Military Receivers

Anechoic Chamber Testing of M-Code Interference with Legacy Military Receivers




One of the primary goals of GPS Modernization is to implement an advanced signal capability while maintaining backward compatibility with legacy military and civil User Equipment (UE). The new military-unique code (M-code), anticipated for on-orbit transmission in 2004, implements enhanced security, utility, accuracy, and flexible power (Flex Power) capabilities. Prior to activating this new signal, Department of Defense (DoD) leadership is interested in measuring the effects of Mcode on current UE. The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) and the Navstar GPS Joint Program Office (JPO) have teamed up in a combined developmental test/operational test (DT/OT) to investigate the effects of M-code on fielded UE. Results indicate that performance of military and civilian receivers are not affected by the presence of modernized signals. During the period 9-21 June 2003, the Navstar GPS JPO and AFOTEC conducted backward compatibility testing of current GPS receiver/antenna combinations in the presence of modernized signals. The testing was accomplished at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station (Pax River NAS) Anechoic Chamber in Maryland. Full interplex modulation was implemented, and Flex-
机译:GPS现代化的主要目标之一是实现先进的信号能力,同时保持与遗留军事和民事用户设备(UE)的向后兼容性。预计2004年轨道传输的新军事独特(M代码),实现了增强的安全性,效用,精度和灵活的电源(Flex Power)功能。在激活这一新信号之前,国防部(DOD)领导有兴趣测量MCODE对当前UE的影响。空军操作试验和评估中心(AFOTEC)和Navstar GPS联合计划办公室(JPO)在组合的发展测试/操作试验(DT / OT)中进行了组合,以调查M代码对Fielded UE的影响。结果表明,军事和民用接收器的表现不受现代化信号存在的影响。在2003年6月9日至21日期间,Navstar GPS JPO和AFOTEC在现代化信号存在下对当前GPS接收器/天线组合进行了向后兼容性测试。该测试在马里兰州的Patuxent River Naval航空站(Pax River Nas)Anechoice Champer over。实现完整的连接调制,并弯曲 -



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