
Evaluation of a high-power optical amplifier for intersatellite links




The NeLS project is a Japanese effort aiming to develop key technologies for global multimedia mobile satellite communications service. In the NeLS System, all satellites are connected to four neighboring satellites by using optical inter-satellite link (ISL) considering four-wave WDM technology. Optical ISL requires very high optical output power. And to meet such requirements, a high power optical amplifier such as EDFA will be used. In such case, nonlinear effects of an EDFA will cause degradation of communication performance of OISL. We developed an OISL-WDM Simulator to evaluate such degradation experimentally. A Yb co-doped EDFA is used as OHPA. In the experiment, BER characteristics were measured and found that degradation is 0.4dB up to 2W output and 0.9dB at 4.5W output. From these results we concluded this technology could be applicable to WDM optical intersatellite link applications.
机译:NELS项目是一种日本努力,旨在为全球多媒体移动卫星通信服务开发关键技术。在NELS系统中,考虑四波WDM技术,所有卫星通过光学间卫星链路(ISL)连接到四个相邻卫星。光学ISL需要非常高的光输出功率。为了满足这些要求,将使用诸如EDFA的高功率光放大器。在这种情况下,EDFA的非线性效应将导致OISL的通信性能的降低。我们开发了一个OISL-WDM模拟器,以实验评估这种降级。 YB共掺杂EDFA用作OHPA。在实验中,测量BER特性,发现降解为0.4dB,输出高达2W输出,输出为0.9dB。从这些结果来看,我们得出结论,这项技术可适用于WDM光学梭司机链接应用。


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