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Clay mineralogy, illite crystallinity and polytypes in the Campana Mahuida Porphyry Cu Deposit, Neuquen, Argentina

机译:Campana Mahuida Porphyry Cu沉积物,Neuquen,阿根廷坎帕纳矿物学,Illite结晶度和Polydypes



Clay mineralogy, illite crystallinity, and polytypes were determined for 67 whole-rock samples from 24 drill cores of the Campana Mahuida porphyry copper deposit to develop a general exploration model for porphyry copper deposits. In the potassic core, between 10 m and 228 m depth, Mg-rich chlorite is the dominant clay-fraction mineral followed by illite +- smectite or smectite +- illite. Illite crystallinity indices decrease from 0.3 to 0.1° 2θ with depth, and correspond to the high temperature, 2M_1 polytype. The chlorite-rich zone may have resulted from the break down of secondary biotite at intermediate values of a(K+)/a(H+) as the system cooled. Clay-fraction minerals in the outermost propylitic halo are similar to the potassic zone except that chlorite is more abundant and consists of both Fe-rich and Mg-rich varieties. In the phyllic halo that surrounds the potassic core, clay abundance between 5 and 149 m depth outlines two zones: 1- an illite-rich zone (2M_1 polytype) to the south, northeast-southwest and east of the potassic core, and 2- a less well-developed smectite-rich zone in the northwest section of the phyllic halo. Within the smectite (beidellite) zone, chlorite accompanies smectite in drill-holes near the potassic core, whereas farther northwest, illite is present with smectite. In both zones, the illite crystallinity index decreases with depth, except in a single drill hole that intercepts a zone of argillic alteration where smectite dominates in the hypogene ore zone and illite crystallinity indices remain low and constant. This zonation within the phyllic halo may reflect differences in cation removal due to differences in faulting intensity and water: rock interaction.
机译:粘土矿物学,伊利石结晶度和多型测定67个全岩石样品,由Campana Mahuida斑岩铜矿矿床24钻孔测定,为斑岩铜沉积物开发一般勘探模型。在咖啡芯中,深度10米和228米,富含Mg的氯酸盐是主要的粘土级数矿物,其次是illite + - 蒙脱石或蒙脱石+ - illite。 IlliTE结晶度指数随深度减小0.3至0.1°2θ,对应于高温2M_1 PolyType。由于系统冷却,富含氯酸富氯的区域可能是由次要生物烟灰的中间值的分解。最外面的丙基卤代中的粘土馏分与灰氯,除了氯酸盐更加丰富,包括Fe富含和Mg的品种。在Phylic晕,围绕母芯的卤素,粘土丰盈在5到149米深度之间概述了两个区域:1-富有的富有区(2M_1 Polytype)到南部,东北 - 西南和东部的咖啡芯,2-在Phyllic晕的西北部薄膜部分较少发达的富胶质区域。在蒙脱石(北洛斯特)区内,氯酸盐伴在牛芯附近的钻孔中伴有山孔,而西北部的钻孔,则伊利米特与蒙脱石存在。在两个区域中,伊利石结晶度指数随深度减小,除了在单钻孔中拦截蒙脱石中蒙脱石中的蒙脱石和岩石结晶度指数保持低且恒定的区域。这种分区在文学卤素中可能反映由于断层强度和水的差异导致的阳离子去除差异:岩石相互作用。



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