
Voice and multimodal access to AEC project information




With current developments in information and communication technology, we are rapidly moving away from the Desktop and Laptop Web paradigms towards the Mobile Web paradigm, where mobile smart devices such as Smart phone, Pocket PC, PDA, hybrid devices (phone-enabled Pocket PC), and wearable computers will become powerful enough to replace laptop computers in the field. The availability of real time, complete information exchange with the project information repository is critical for decision making in the construction field, as information frequently has to be transmitted to and received from the project repository right on site. Whereas construction sites are often established for limited periods of time in locations where wired telecommunication infrastructure is often unavailable or limited. Therefore, it becomes important to establish a framework for augmenting the existing integrated project repository environment with mobile wireless devices. Mobile workers on a construction site will be able to use smart mobile devices to communicate with the project information repository in real time thus enabling timely and informed decision making on the project. This paper discusses the advantages of using VoiceXML technology for mobile industrial applications, presents a pilot industrial application of voice technology, and underlines the direction of future research in the area of mobile multimodal communication of AEC project information.
机译:随着信息和通信技术的当前发展,我们正在迅速远离桌面和笔记本电脑Web范例朝向移动网络范式,其中移动智能设备,如智能手机,Pocket PC,PDA,混合设备(启用了电话的Pocket PC)并且可穿戴计算机将足够强大,以替换该领域的膝上型计算机。实时的可用性,与项目信息存储库的完整信息交换对于在施工领域的决策方面至关重要,因为经常传输信息并从站点上的项目存储库接收。虽然建筑工地通常在有线电信基础设施通常不可用或有限的地方建立有限的时间。因此,建立具有移动无线设备的现有集成项目存储库环境的框架变得重要。施工现场的移动工作人员将能够使用智能移动设备实时与项目信息存储库进行通信,从而在项目中能够及时和了解情况。本文讨论了使用VoiceXML技术进行移动工业应用的优势,提出了语音技术的试点工业应用,并强调了AEC项目信息的移动多模式通信领域未来研究的方向。



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