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Mapping new biology research in India and China: an analysis of publications, citations and international collaboration




New biology research in the two most populous countries of the world, India and China, has been mapped based on publications and citation data. We have identified institutions publishing large number of papers, cities and states contributing the papers, journals used to publish the papers classified by subfield, journal country and impact factor, highly cited papers, and internationally coauthored papers. China's publication output has been growing much faster than India's in the period 1992-2001, and in fact China now publishes a much larger number than India. However, India's 1995 papers have been cited more often, on average, than the Chinese papers. The number of papers from China published in journals of impact factor greater than 3.0 has increased from 1995 to 1998 at about 13 % per annum, double the growth rate of such papers from India. The percent share of such papers from India has remained the same at 8.8%, whereas it remained above 11.5% for China. Only a handful of institutions in both India and China have published consistently well in both 1995 and 1998. In both countries a substantial part of the highly cited papers were written in collaboration with foreign institutions, China again having a much higher percent of such papers than India. We have identified the important institutions in India and China that have contributed the better cited papers and the papers from the 1995 data set that have been cited at least 25 times. Contrary to general perception, academic institutions contribute the bulk of India's research papers.
机译:新的生物学研究在世界上两个人口最多的国家,印度和中国,已根据出版物和引文数据映射。我们已确定出版的机构发布大量论文,城市和各国贡献论文,期刊用于发布由子场,杂志,杂志和影响因素,高度引用的论文和国际共同文件的论文。 1992 - 2001年中国出版产出的出版产量比印度增长得多,实际上中国现在发表比印度更大的数量。但是,印度的1995篇论文比汉语论文更常见,平均被引用。从影响因子期刊出版的中国纸张数量大于3.0的纸张从1995年到1998年增加,每年约13%,印度这些论文的增长率增加了两倍。来自印度这些论文的百分比持续存在8.8%,而中国仍保持在11.5%以上。在印度和中国的少数机构在1995年和1998年始终发表。在这两个国家都与外国机构合作编写了一部分高度引用的论文,中国再次占这些论文的百分比比印度。我们已经确定了印度和中国的重要机构,这些制度促进了1995年数据集中所引用的更好的文件和文件,这些文件至少被引用了至少25倍。与一般性看法相反,学术机构贡献了印度的大部分研究论文。



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