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Developing Procedural Guidance for SMPs




Shoreline Management Plans [SMPs] provide a large scale assessment of the risks associated with coastal processes and present a policy framework for coastal defence. The concept was introduced by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [Defra] (then MAFF) in 1993, with full guidance issued in 1995. It is generally recognised that the first round SMPs, despite the guidance, lacked uniformity and consistency (not least in scope and depth); output quality and format also varied. Defra issued revised guidance in 2001 [2001 Guide], in order that the SMP could be used as universal coastal planning tool. Interim procedural guidance [PG] has recently been developed to help coastal groups deliver more consistent and usable results in the reviews of their SMPs. In providing a background to the subject, this paper calls upon information in a number of papers presented at the recent Defra Conference on the subject of SMPs and the interim guidance. It is both intended to give an introduction to the subject and to recount the experiences of the coastal groups that have acted as test frontages during the development of the guidance. The experiences of the coastal groups in using the Interim PG in the review of their Plans and the ways in which Plans, in particular their procurement and pre-planning, should be approached are highlighted. The review work is ongoing and it is anticipated that further experience will be gained and presented to the Conference, as appropriate.



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