首页> 外文会议>IEEE EMBS International School on Biomedical Imaging >A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study of Ageing in 465 Normal Adult Human Brains

A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study of Ageing in 465 Normal Adult Human Brains




Voxel-based-morphometry (VBM) is a whole-brain, unbiased technique for characterizing regional cerebral volume and tissue concentration differences in structural magnetic resonance images. We describe an optimized method of VBM to examine the effects of age on grey and white matter and CSF in 465 normal adults. Global grey matter volume decreased linearly with age, with a significantly steeper decline in males. Local areas of accelerated loss were observed bilaterally in the insula, superior parietal gyri, central sulci, and cingulate sulci, Areas exhibiting little or no age effect (relative preservation) were noted in the amygdala, hippocampi, and entorhinal cortex. Global white matter did not decline with age, but local areas of relative accelerate loss and preservation were seen. There was no interaction of age with sex for regionally specific effects. These results corroborate previous reports and indicate that VBM is a useful technique for studying structural brain correlates of ageing through life in humans.
机译:基于体形态测量(VBM)是一种全脑,不偏不倚的技术,用于表征结构磁共振图像中的区域脑体积和组织浓度差异。我们描述了一种VBM的优化方法,以检查465个正常成人中的年龄对灰色和白质的影响和CSF。全球灰质体积随着年龄的年龄而线性降低,具有显着陡峭的男性下降。在Inslula,高级耳廓甘氨因,中央舒尔菌和Cingulate Sulci中观察到局部加速损失区域,在杏仁达拉,海马和Entorthinal皮质中发现了很少或没有年龄效应(相对保存)的区域。全球白质与年龄没有下降,但局部相对加速损失和保护地区。没有年龄的互动与地区特定效果。这些结果证实了之前的报告,并表明VBM是研究通过人类生命的结构脑关系的有用技术。



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