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Lower Bounds for Embedding Graphs into Graphs of Smaller Characteristic




The subject of graph embeddings deals with embedding a finite point set in a given metric space by points in another target metric space in such a way that distances in the new space are at least, but not too much more, than distances in the old space. The largest new distance to old distance ratio over all pairs of points is called the distortion of the embedding. In this paper, we will study the distortion dist(G,H) while embedding metrics supported on a given graph G into metrics supported on a graph H of lower characteristic, where the characteristic χ(H) of a graph H is the quantity E -V + 1 (E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices in H). We will prove the following lower bounds for such embeddings which generalize and improve lower bounds given in [10]. -If |G| = |H| and χ(G) - χ(H) = k, dist(G, H) ≥ gk - 1 -If χ(G) - χ(H) = k, dist(G, H) ≥ (gk-4)/3 Further, we will also give an alternative proof for lower bounding the distortion when probabilistically embedding expander graphs into tree metrics. in addition, we also generalize this lower bound to the case when expander graphs probabilistically embed into graphs of constant characteristic.
机译:图表嵌入的主题涉及在另一个目标度量空间中的点以另一个目标度量空间中的点嵌入一个有限点,以这样的方式,即新空间中的距离至少,但不是太多,而不是旧空间中的距离。与所有点对旧距离比的最大新距离称为嵌入的失真。在本文中,我们将研究失真Dist(G,H),同时将给定图G支持的度量嵌入到支持的较低特征的图H上支持的度量,其中图H的特征χ(H)是数量e -v + 1(e是边的数量,v是h中的顶点数量)。我们将证明这种嵌入的以下较低限制,其概括和改善[10]中给出的下限。 -if | g | = | H |和△(g) - △(h)= k,dist(g,h)≥gk - 1 -ifχ(g) - χ(h)= k,dist(g,h)≥(gk-4)/ 3此外,我们还将提供替代证明,在概率地将扩展器图形到树度量中时,较低限制的失真。此外,当扩展器图概率地嵌入恒定特征的图表时,我们还概括了这种下限。



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