
Leveraging matching funds for grants




In 1999 the South Carolina Legislature for the first time made available unrestricted grant funds for nonpoint source pollution programs. The Department of Natural Resources was the state agency responsible for the funds which were divided evenly between counties, with the Soil and Water Conservation Districts being responsible for distribution. As with most grants, there was a requirement for matching funds or in-kind contributions, but the level of match was not specified by the Legislature, allowing Conservation Districts great latitude. The South Carolina Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society considered the availability of these funds as an excellent way to promote water conservation, and felt the Society could be the catalyst toleverage grant dollars. The Chapter proposed three workshops on topics selected by the Conservation District (but limited to nonpoint source pollution control) using 600 dollar grant funding for each workshop. Matching funds (and in-kind services) wouldcome from Society members, state and federal employees, industry, and local businesses. An example of the effectiveness of this approach is the first workshop which repaired a channel adjacent to a heavily traveled U.S. highway. Grant funds originated from SCDNR and the District; SCDOT prepared the site and provided for safety; a local civic club provided the classroom facility within walking distance of the site; Synthetic Industries assisted with materials and provided an instructor; USDA Forest Service and NRCS provided staff time and instructors; Home Depot provided some materials; the Department of Energy provided support; and, the Chapter coordinated publicity and mailings. The result of this extended partnership is excellent technology transfer,involvement of some non-traditional partners, and repair of a serious erosion problem for almost no cost.
机译:1999年,南卡罗来纳立法机构首次为非点源污染计划提供无限制的赠款资金。自然资源部是负责县之间均匀分配的资金的国家机构,土壤和水资源区负责分配。与大多数补助金一样,有匹配基金或实物贡献的要求,但立法机关未指定匹配水平,允许保护区伟大的纬度。水土保持社会南卡罗来纳州章认为这些基金的可用性是促进水资源的绝佳方式,并认为社会可能是催化剂助成的资金。本章提出了三项关于由每个研讨会的600美元赠送资金选择的保护区(但限制为非点源污染控制)选定的主题讲习班。匹配基金(和实物服务)克服社会成员,国家和联邦雇员,行业和当地企业。这种方法的有效性的一个例子是第一研讨会,其修复了与大量旅行的美国高速公路相邻的通道。授予资金起源于SCDNR和该地区; SCDOT准备了该网站并为安全提供;当地公民俱乐部提供了课堂设施,步行即可抵达网站;合成工业辅助材料并提供了一位教练;美国农业部森林服务和NRC提供员工时间和教师;家庭仓库提供了一些材料;能源部提供支持;并且,章节协调宣传和邮件。这种扩展伙伴关系的结果是出色的技术转让,一些非传统伙伴的参与,以及几乎没有成本的严重侵蚀问题。



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