
Reference Material 8091: New Scanning Electron Microscope Sharpness Standard




All scanning electron microscope-based inspection instruments, whether they are in a laboratory or on the production line, slowly lose their performance and then are no longer capable of providing as good quality, sharp images as before. Loss in image quality also means loss in measurement quality. Loss of performance is related to changes in the electron source, in the alignment of the electron-optical column, astigmatism, and sample and electron optical column contamination. Detecting a loss in image sharpness easily reveals this decrease of performance. Reference Material (RM) 8091 is intended primarily for routinely checking the performance of scanning electron microscopes. RM 8091 is designed for use in conjunction with Fourier analysis software such as the NIST/SPECTEL~2 SEM Monitor Program, the NIST Kurtosis program, or the University of Tenesse SMART program. This RM is supplied as a small, approximately 2 mm x 2 mm diced semiconductor chip. RM 8091 is designed to be mounted onto a so-called drop-in wafer for specialized wafer inspection or dimensional metrology scanning electron microscopes or put on a specimen stub for insertion into laboratory scanning electron microscopes. This Reference Material is fully compatible with state-of-the-art integrated circuit technology.
机译:所有扫描电子显微镜的检查仪器,无论是在实验室还是生产线上,慢慢失去其性能,然后不再能够提供与以前一样好的质量,锐利的图像。图像质量损失也意味着测量质量的损失。性能丧失与电子源的变化有关,在电子光柱,散光和样品和电子光柱污染的对准中。检测图像清晰度的损失容易揭示这种性能降低。参考材料(RM)8091主要用于常规检查扫描电子显微镜的性能。 RM 8091设计用于与傅立叶分析软件一起使用,例如NIST / Spectel〜2 SEM监视程序,NIST Kurtoss计划或Tenesse智能计划大学。该RM为小型,大约2 mm x 2 mm Dized半导体芯片提供。 RM 8091设计用于安装到所谓的晶片上用于专门的晶片检查或尺寸计量扫描电子显微镜或放在标本中,以插入实验室扫描电子显微镜。该参考资料与最先进的集成电路技术完全兼容。



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