首页> 外文会议>IFAC/IEEE Symposium on Advances in Control Education >New educational technologies applied to control education-example of resources sharing between engineering schools

New educational technologies applied to control education-example of resources sharing between engineering schools

机译:新教育技术应用于控制教育 - 工程学院资源共享示例



The paper presents a common New Educational Technologies -NET project between a few engineering schools, which aim is to share a common educational internet resource, called Hadoc, in order to validate it and enrich its pedagogical base. Hadoc is a document base dedicated to the exploration of basic concepts in Automatic Control (closed-loop performances like stability and precision, or modelling tools like transfer function or frequency plots and the various parameters associated with these models), and to the study of the multiple interconnections between concepts. It is built like a hypertext involving expositive elements like definitions, methods, proofs, examples and active elements like multiple choice questions.
机译:本文介绍了几个工程学学校之间的常见新型教育技术-NET项目,该项目是分享一个名为Hadoc的共同教育互联网资源,以便验证它并丰富其教学基础。 Hadoc是一个专用于自动控制中基本概念的探索的文档基础(闭环性能,如稳定性和精度,或者与传递函数或频率图(与这些模型相关的各种参数),以及对这些模型相关的各种参数),以及研究概念之间的多个互连。它建立如一个超文本,涉及兼职元素,如定义,方法,校样,示例和活动元素,如多项选择题。



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