
Understanding UML - Pains and Rewards

机译:了解UML - 痛苦和奖励



UML is there - it's accepted, it's booming, and even more: it's a standard. From telecom to train systems to avionics: using UML to capture the system is "in". But do we really understand what we model? This talk takes for granted, that models are alive, are executable, are used to explore the design space, are used to communicate design decisions, and ultimately are evolving to target code. And it asks plenty of nasty questions about the meaning of all these diagrams, which are so intuitive, but which require clarification if viewed from the most rigorous possible perspective - that of a formal semantics. Formal Semantics are to modeling languages what X rays are to the human body: they bring to the surface problem spots not typically seen - and this process is painful. It shows, that what we see, is possibly far from what we expect: it highlights design decisions in giving a rigorous semantics to UML, which could have significant impact on e.g. meeting timeliness requirements. But it also shows the rewards derivable from this painful exercise: giving a rigorous semantics offers the floor for powerful analysis techniques allowing to boost the quality of models.
机译:UML在那里 - 它被接受了,它正在蓬勃发展,甚至更多:这是一个标准。从电信到航空电子设备培训系统:使用UML捕获系统是“进入”。但我们真的明白我们的型号吗?这次谈话需要理所当然,模型是活力的,可执行,用于探索设计空间,用于传达设计决策,最终正在发展到目标代码。它询问了关于所有这些图表的含义的大量讨厌的问题,这是如此直观,但如果从最严格的可能的角度看,这需要澄清 - 正式语义。正式的语义是建模语言对人体的X射线是什么:它们带来了不经常看到的表面问题斑点 - 并且这个过程是痛苦的。它表明,我们所看到的,可能很远离我们的预期:它强调了为UML提供严格的语义而设计的设计决策,这可能对如精度产生重大影响。满足及时性要求。但它还显示了从这种痛苦的运动中衍生的奖励:给出严格的语义为允许强大的分析技术提供地板,允许提高模型的质量。



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