
History of NDT-Instrumentation




For more than 50 years I am personally closely connected with Nondestructive Testing (NDT). During this period after World War II the emerging modern industry needed more and more testing equipment for the production of flawless components. Therefore, instruments for NDT were developed, produced in quantities and continuously improved. I met most of those persons working in this modern industrial field not only in Germany but also in other parts of the world. And I did not meet them only: I discussed, argued, cooperated and fought with many of them. Therefore I was asked by my students, collaborators, colleagues and friends to write down what I still remember. I am aware of the fact that such a task can never be completed. Therefore I apologize to all those for excuse who are not mentioned or have quite different memories. In addition I want to point out that I name only those companies which have an considerable export and are not only working in one or few countries. The first NDT-method coming into industrial application was the X-Ray Technique.



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