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ARIES: The Implementation of an Autonomous Mobile Robotic System for the Inspection and Characterization of Stored Low-Level Nuclear Waste




The mobile robot inspection system ARIES (Autonomous Robotic Inspection Experimental System), was developed for the Department of Energy (Contract FETC DE-AC21-92MC29115 via Task Order under the South Carolina Universities Research and Educational Foundation, or SCUREF) to assist human inspectors in the routine, regulated inspection of radioactive waste stored in drums. Waste generated at the Department of Energy's nuclear production facilities is stored in 55, 85, and 110 gallon drums. Tens of thousands of these drums are located throughout the DOE complex at facilities such as Fernald (OH), Los Alamos (NM), Oak Ridge (TN), Hanford (WA), and Idaho (ID). The steel drums are placed on pallets and stacked on top of one another, forming a column of drums ranging in heights of one to five drums. The columns of drums are aligned in rows forming an aisle approximately three feet wide. The inspection system makes decisions about the surface condition of the drums and maintains a database of information about each drum. ARIES will locate and identify each drum, characterize relevant surface features (such as paint blisters, dents, rusted areas, and tilting.), and update a database containing inspection information. ARIES was a collaborative team effort between SCUREF, Clemson University, University of South Carolina, and Cybermotion, Inc. The first phase of this three-phase project was a task-oriented, proof-of-principle phase in which demonstrations and reports were provided as the deliverables. The second phase was a technology integration effort to develop a single, commercializable prototype mobile robot capable of meeting the many demands of the mission of environmental compliance and clean-up of DOE sites. During the current Phase 3, ARIES was evaluated and demonstrated at Fernald's TS-4 drum storage facility. After the Fernald test, the ARIES project was extended so that the system could be tested at other DOE sites. The system was evaluated at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, and at the IUOE test facility in Beaver, WV. The concepts upon which ARIES is based have been presented in a previous paper (Ref 1). This paper presents the results of the field trials and describes the second generation system that benefited from this knowledge.
机译:移动机器人检测系统白羊座(自主机器人检查实验系统)是为能源部开发的(通过南卡罗来纳州大学研究和教育基础,或SCUREF的任务订单)开发了能源部(合同FETC DE-AC21-92MC29115),以协助人类检查员持有桶中放射性废物的常规检查。在能源核制作设施系产生的废物储存在55,85和110加仑的鼓中。成千上万的这些鼓在整个母鹿综合体中,在Fernald(OH),LOS Alamos(NM),Oak Ridge(TN),Hanford(WA)和爱达荷州(ID)等设施。将钢桶放置在托盘上并彼此堆叠,形成一列滚筒,范围为一到五个鼓。鼓的列在形成大约三英尺宽的过道的行中对齐。检查系统对鼓的表面状况进行决定,并维护有关每鼓的信息数据库。白羊座将定位并识别每个鼓,表征相关表面特征(例如油漆衬垫,凹痕,生锈的区域和倾斜。),并更新包含检查信息的数据库。白羊座是SCUREF,克莱姆森大学,南卡罗来纳大学和Cyber​​ Motion,Inc。这项三相项目的第一阶段是一项面向任务的原则阶段的一项合作团队的努力,其中提供了原则上的原则阶段,其中提供了哪些示范和报告作为可交付成果。第二阶段是一种技术集成努力,开发一个可商业化的原型移动机器人,能够满足环境遵守使命和DOE网站的清理的许多要求。在当前阶段3期间,在Fernald的TS-4鼓储存设施中评估和演示白羊座。在Fernald测试之后,延长白羊座项目,以便在其他DOE站点进行测试。该制度在Los Alamos国家实验室(LANL),爱达荷国家工程和环境实验室以及WV的Iuoe测试设施的评估。在前一篇论文中介绍了白羊座的概念(REF 1)。本文介绍了现场试验的结果,并描述了从这种知识中受益的第二代制度。



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