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Verification/Certification of Devices Used In Liquid Measurement




Every day temporary ownership of millions of barrels of oil are transferred from one entity to another. This is generally referred to as "custody transfer." Custody transfer can happen between lease to truck, truck to pipeline, pipleine to pipeline, or any other combination. All that is required are two agreeable parties and some measurement of the oil. The measurement of the oil generally consist of the volume and gravity, and adjustment factors such as temperature and sediment and water (S&W). The equipment used to determine these measurements must be of commonly agreed type and must be of proven accuracy. The equipment must meet certain requirements as set forth by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the A"merican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). As proof of compliance, validation of their accuracy can usually come from one of four sources; from the manufacturer, from a independent third party, from a government entity, or from in-house validation. The validation provided by one of these sources will reference the following words: Traceability, Verification, and Certification.



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