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TAKO-The new PLTCM at Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG in Beeckerwerth works

机译:Tako-The The New Pltcm在Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG的北猎手龙工作



The cold strip mill #2 in the Beeckerwerth works of Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG (TKS) was built in 1964. Together with the Dortmund works it is the largest of the five cold rolling mills of TKS. Main part of the production is for the automotive industry. Figure 1 shows the layout of the Beeckerwerth cold strip mill with the new tandem mill TAKO. The constantly improving demand of the market regarding surface quality, mechanical-technological quality and tolerances of dimensions caused the existing tandem mill to be replaced by a new one. The new mill was designed to meet the well known demands of the customers to reduce weight. This leads to a growing use of higher strength material of larger width and smaller thickness. To avoid surface defects and thickness deviations out of discontinuous production processes and as well for economical reasons the new tandem mill was coupled with the existing pickling line. A future increase of the production capability of the pickling line was taken into consideration for the design of the tandem mill.
机译:Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG(TKS)的贝彻克劳斯特·工厂中的冷轧厂#2于1964年建于1964年。与多特蒙德的作品一起是五大冷轧机的TKS中最大的作品。生产的主要部分是汽车行业。图1显示了与新的Tandem Mill Tako的甜菜龙冷轧机厂的布局。市场质量不断提高市场需求,机械技术质量和尺寸的公差导致现有的串联磨机被新的磨坊更换。新工厂旨在满足客户的众所周知的需求,以减轻体重。这导致越来越多的宽度和较小厚度的强度材料。为了避免表面缺陷和厚度偏差,并出于经济原因,新的串联磨机与现有的酸洗线相结合。考虑到串联工厂的设计,考虑了酸洗线生产能力的未来增加。



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