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Addressing the Exposure Problem of Bidding Agents Using Flexibly Priced Options




In this paper we introduce a new option pricing mechanism for reducing the exposure problem encountered by bidding agents with complementary valuations when participating in sequential, second-price auction markets. Existing option pricing models have two main drawbacks: they either apply fixed exercise prices, which may deter bidders with low valuations, thereby decreasing allocative efficiency, or options are offered for free, in which case bidders are less likely to exercise them, thereby reducing seller revenues. The proposed mechanism involving flexibly priced options addresses these problems by calculating the exercise price as well as the option price based on the bids received during an auction. For this new model, which extends and encompasses all the previous models examined, we derive the optimal strategies for a bidding agent with complementary preferences. Finally, we use these strategies to evaluate the proposed option mechanism through Monte-Carlo simutions, and compare it to existing mechanisms, both in terms of the seller revenue and the social welfare. We show that our new mechanism achieves higher market efficiency compared to having no options and free options, while achieving higher revenues for the seller than any existing option mechanism.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了一种新的期权定价机制,用于减少在参加顺序,二级拍卖市场时互补估值的竞标问题遇到的曝光问题。现有期权定价模型有两个主要缺点:它们要么采用固定的行使价格,可能会阻止具有低估值的投标人,从而降低分配效率,或免费提供的选项,在这种情况下,投标人不太可能锻炼它们,从而减少卖方收入。拟议的机制涉及灵活定价的选择通过计算行使价格以及基于拍卖期间收到的出价的期权价格来解决这些问题。对于这种新模型,它延伸并包含所有先前的模型,我们派生了偏出偏好的竞标代理的最佳策略。最后,我们使用这些策略通过Monte-Carlo Simules评估所提出的选择机制,并将其与现有机制进行比较,这两者都在卖方收入和社会福利方面。我们表明,与无选项和免费选择相比,我们的新机制达到了更高的市场效率,同时比任何现有期权机制实现更高的收入。



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