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Computation in Extended Argumentation Frameworks




Extended Argumentation Frameworks (EAFs) are a recently proposed formalism that develop abstract argumentation frameworks (AFs) by allowing attacks between arguments to be attacked themselves: hence EAFS add a relationship D is contained in X × A to the arguments (χ) and attacks (A is contained in χ × χ) in an AF's basic directed graph structure (χ, A). This development provides a natural way to represent and reason about preferences between arguments. Studies of EAFs have thus far focussed on acceptability semantics, proof-theoretic processes, and applications. However, no detailed treatment of their practicality in computational settings has been undertaken. In this paper we address this lacuna, considering algorithmic and complexity properties specific to EAFs. We show that (as for standard AFs) the problem of determining if an argument is acceptable w.r.t. a subset of X is polynomial time decidable and, thus, determining the grounded extension and verifying admissibility are efficiently solvable. We, further, consider the status of a number of decision questions specific to the EAF formalism in the sense that these have no counterparts within AFs.
机译:扩展的论证框架(EAFS)是最近提出的形式主义,通过允许攻击攻击的参数之间的攻击来开发抽象论证框架(AFS):因此EAFS添加一个关系D包含在x×a中的参数(χ)和攻击( A包含在AF的基本定向图结构(χ,a)中的χ×χ)。此开发提供了一种自然的方式来代表参数之间的偏好。到目前为止,EAFS的研究侧重于可接受性语义,证明理论过程和应用。然而,已经没有进行详细处理它们在计算环境中的实用性。在本文中,我们解决了这种Lacuna,考虑到特定于EAF的算法和复杂性。我们展示了(如标准AFS)确定是否可以接受参数的问题w.r.t. X的子集是多项式时间可解除,因此,确定接地的延伸和验证可接受性是有效的解决方案。此外,我们认为,在某种程度上,考虑特定于EAF形式主义的许多决定问题的地位。



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